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Academics - History Faculty & Staff

Stephen R. Morillo

Professor of History Emeritus

Stephen Morillo, long-time Chair of the Wabash History Department and now Chair of Division III, the Social Sciences Division, specializes in world history, medieval history, and military history, combining the three in various ways in his teaching and research. He is the author of a number of books and articles on these topics, and has made appearances on both the History Channel and on Spike TV.

Dr. Morillo regularly teaches both halves of the introductory world history survey, History 101 and 102, for which he has written his own world history textbook, Frameworks of World History (Oxford University Press, 2014). He has also taught both of the History Department’s capstone courses, History 497 and 498, as well as intermediate level courses and upper level seminars on a wide variety of topics including world military history, maritime history, medieval Japan, and others. He periodically teaches Freshman Tutorial and helped design Enduring Questions, Wabash’s required Freshman seminar, which he is now teaching.

When he isn’t teaching or writing, Dr. Morillo enjoys a wide variety of activities. He paints, cartoons, plays in a band for which he sings, plays keyboards, and writes songs, and he occasionally takes to the stage to act. He grew up in New Orleans and cooks creole cuisine, Indian curries, and other scrumptious specialties of his own invention. He enjoys playing basketball and rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals and New Orleans Saints. His laugh is infamous wherever he has lived.


Jesus College, Ph.D Oxford, 1985, Dissertation: “English Royal Warfare, 1066-1154”. Supervisor: JFA Mason. Read for degree approval by John Prestwich and Frank Barlow.
Rhodes Scholar
Harvard College AB, 1980, Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard Scholar


HIS 101-World History to 1500
HIS 102-World History since 1500
HIS 200-Military History
HIS 300-Naval History 1400-1800
HIS 300-Medieval Japan
HIS 497-Philosophy and Craft of History
Freshman Tutorial-History of Human Language
Enduring Questions


32nd LaFollette Lecture, “Ibn Khaldun Views Olitski” (October 7, 2011). News Story, YouTube

"Frontiers of Knowledge: Justifications of War in Comparative Perspective." Conference on Frontiers in Medieval Warfare, Caceres, Spain, November 2010.

"Barbary Pirates to Somalis: A Veteran?s Day Perspective on the World history of Piracy." Invited guest lecture for The Military History Lecture Series, Northern Kentucky University, November 2009.

"Wise Practitioners, Informed Officials and Worldly Travelers: The Structures of Knowledge in the Eurasian Network, pre-1500". Invited comment-paper for the Ball State Conference on Small Cities in World History, April, 2009.

"World Naval History: The Crucial Global Shift". Paper delivered at the Society for Military History, Murfreesboro TN, April 2009.

"A Model of Small City Cultural Dynamics in World History". Paper delivered at the World History Association Conference, London, June 2008.


Contributor to Knights in History and Legend (Global Book Publishing, 2009).

Morillo, Black and Lococo, War in World History: Society, Technology and War from Ancient Times to the Present. Military world history textbook. McGraw Hill, 2008.

Morillo with Pavkovic. What is Military History? Historiographical survey and analysis. Polity Press, 2006.

Sanders, Nelson and Morillo, Cultural Encounters: Themes and Sources in World History. McGraw-Hill, 2005. World history source book.

The Battle of Hastings. Sources and Interpretations. Ed. and introduction. Boydell and Brewer, 1996.

Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, 1066-1135. Boydell and Brewer, 1994.

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