What is psychology?
Psychology is defined as "the science of behavior and mental processes," which encompasses an array of specialty areas. The Wabash Psychology Department strives to equip psychology majors with an understanding of the scientific method through various classes in psychology. For specific psychology course offerings, check out the department curriculum here.
Why study psychology?
The Wabash Psychology Department distinguishes itself with a well-published faculty that strongly encourages student research. Students present research findings at research conferences and regularly publish their work with the faculty. Many Wabash psychology students are also active members of the Psi Chi International Honor Society. Read about recent events on our department blog and Facebook page.
What can you do with a psychology degree?
Wabash psychology students interested in graduate study and careers in psychology are well-prepared to pursue many different jobs with a psychology major: Professor, Medical Doctor, Psychological Counselor, President/CEO, Business Development Director, Physical Therapist, Controller, Attorney, Product Solutions Specialist, Technical Support Specialist, Vice President of market Commercial Credit Manager, Wealth Management Advisor, Locomotive Engineer, Financial Sales, Asst. Director Academic Support-Athletics, Curriculum Design & Facilitator, Associate Biologist, Business Operations, Senior Risk Advisor, Strategy Analyst.
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