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Academics - Classics Faculty & Staff

Leslie P. Day

Professor of Classics Emeritus


Detchon Center 122
Curriculum vitae

Picture of Day, Leslie P.

Although retired since 2011, Professor Leslie Day continues to be active as an archaeologist and lecturer, as well as teaching occasionally on campus. She has been studying archaeology since her undergraduate days, has worked as a field archaeologist in Greece and Jordan, and is currently publishing the results of her long-term archaeological project at Kavousi on Crete. She spends much time in Greece, either at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens or at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete and is involved in both research institutions.  In 2005-6 she served as Whitehead Visiting Professor at ASCSA. The rest of the time she can be found in her office in Detchon.


A.B., Bryn Mawr College
M.A., Ph.D., University of Cincinnati


1985-2011, courses in Greek, Latin, Greek Art and Archaeology, Healing in the Ancient World, Food and Drink in the Ancient World, Greek Drama, Freshman Tutorial (The Archaeology of Human Origins, The Archaeology of Old Wabash, Food in the Ancient World, The Age of Akhenaten), C&T.


Her scholarly speciality is the archaeology of Bronze and Early Iron Age Crete.  She is co-director of the Kavousi Project, a multidisciplinary exploration of sites around the modern village of Kavousi in eastern Crete and is currently engaged on the final publication of the settlement and cemeteries at the lower site of Vronda, where she was field director.  She also made a new study of pottery from the site of Karphi, excavated by the British in the 1930’s. She is author of six monographs and editor of two volumes, as well as editor of four more volumes in the Kavousi series.


“Cooking Vessels, Volumes, and Venues: Evidence from LM IIIC Kavousi Vronda and Karphi,” Symposium on Dietary Customs and Practices on Crete Through the Ages, Vori, Crete, September 9, 2017 (with Kevin Glowacki).

“Burial, Landscape, and Memory in Early Iron Age Kavousi, Crete,” invited lecture at the University of Virginia, March 31, 2017.

“After the Collapse: Crete in the 12th Century BCE,” invited lecture at Texas Tech University, April 23, 2015.

“Digging the Dark Ages: 100 Years of Archaeology at Kavousi, Crete,” 10th Annual Symposium in Honor of Paul Rehak, University of Kansas, March 24, 2015.


Kavousi IV. The Cemeteries at Vronda (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2020).

“Identifying Family Structures in Early Iron Age Crete,” in Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space, edited by Sabine Huebner and Geoffrey Nathan, (Chichester 2017), pp. 29-43.

Kavousi IIC. The LM IIIC Settlement at Vronda. Specialist Reports and Analyses (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2016).

Kavousi IIB. The LM IIIC Settlement at Vronda. The Buildings on the Periphery (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2012).

The Pottery from Karphi: A Re-examination (BSA Studies 19), London 2011.

“Household Assemblages in Late Minoan IIIC Crete: The Evidence from Karphi” in STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Creteedited by N. Vogeikoff-Brogan and K. Glowacki. Hesperia Supplement 44 (Princeton 2011) pp. 307-421.

“Appropriating the Past: Early Iron Age Mortuary Practices at Kavousi, Crete” in The “Dark Ages” 

Revisited: an International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson, edited by A. Mazarakis-Ainian (Volos 2011) pp. 745-757.
Kavousi IIA. The LM IIIC Settlement at Vronda. Houses on the Summit (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2009).

 “Ritual Activity at Karphi: A Reappraisal,” in Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete. Hesperia

Supplement 42 (Princeton 2009), edited by A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel, pp. 137-151.

“It Does Take a Brain Surgeon: a Successful Trepanation from Kavousi, Crete ,” in New Directions in the Skeletal Biology of Greece. Occasional Wiener Laboratory Papers 1 (Princeton 2009), edited by L. Schepartz, S. Fox, and C. Bourbou pp. 57-74 (with Maria Liston).

Kavousi I. The Kavousi-Thrifti Survey by Donald Haggis, G.C. Gesell and L.P. Day editors (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2005) (with Nancy Klein and Lee Ann Turner).
Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press 2004)(with Margaret Mook and James Muhly).
Pella of the Decapolis, II.  Final Report on the College of Wooster Excavations in Area IX, The Civic Complex (College of Wooster,1989)(with Robert H. Smith)


LaFollette Lecturer, Wabash College, 1994.

McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Scholar, 1994.

McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Award for Excellence in Teaching, Wabash College 1995-96.

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