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Academics - Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty & Staff

Academics - Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty & Staff

Esteban I. Poffald

Associate Professor of Mathematics


Goodrich Hall 107

Picture of Poffald, Esteban I.

Esteban Poffald came to Wabash in 1985. A native of Chile, he arrived in Los Angeles in 1980 to pursue a doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Southern California. After one year teaching at Cal State University in Fullerton, he moved to Crawfordsville. His areas of mathematical interest are Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations.


Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Southern California, 1984.
Magíster en Matemática, Universidad Técnica del Estado, Santiago, Chile, 1980.
Profesor de Matemáticas, Universidad Católica de Chile, Temuco, Chile, 1978.



MAT 111 - Calculus I
MAT 112 - Calculus II
MAT 223 – Linear Algebra
MAT 224 – Differential Equations
MAT 331 – Abstract Algebra I
MAT 314 – Modeling with Differential Equations
MAT 341 - Topology

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