In past summers, Wabash students have held a variety of internships related to government and politics on the international, national, and state levels.
In recent years, students have interned at the White House, the Department of State, the National Defense University, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Geneva, with a member of the Scottish National Parliament in Edinburgh,with the Social Democrats in Berlin, with National Public Radio Morning Edition, the Indiana Secretary of State, and in Congressional Offices.
Some have worked for their Representatives and Senators (including Sens. Lugar, Bingaman, and Wellstone and Reps. Pease and Roemer). Others have worked in state government for the Governor, the Lt. Governor, or various state agencies. Still others have worked with organizations such as Project Vote Smart.
The Political Science Department, thanks to generous gifts from alumni, has funds available to support unpaid public service internships. For more information see the Scholarship and Awards page.
If you are interested in seeking an internship, check Stephen Frantzich's Storming Washington: An Intern's Guide to National Government, available in Professor Hadley's office. Also, you should attend the annual internship interest session held by the department in the early fall.
The Office of Career Services has more information about internships, including lists of other internship websites.
Internship possibilities:
Please send any additions or corrections to this list to
This list is divided by category:
C. Think Tanks and Interest Groups
F. Independent Regulatory Agencies
G. The Judiciary
H. Internships and Careers in Foreign Affairs
For more information about government internships, obtain a copy of Summer Jobs in Federal Agencies (Federal Job Information Center, US Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E. St. NW, Washington, DC 20415). This is available in December each year and it's free.
Also, contact your Congressional Representative for the "Internships and Fellowships Info Pack" put out by the Congressional Research Service (Pack IP0631). This should include a copy of Internships and Fellowships: Congressional, Federal and Other Work Experience Opportunities (Congressional Research Service Report 90-148C), which can also be ordered separately.
A. Internships in State and Local Government
The Republican and Democratic Caucuses in the Indiana House and Senate. Each year the four party caucuses in the Indiana legislature offer paid internships for students who work through the spring semester legislative session. For further information, watch Politically Correct or contact a member of the political science department.
The Indiana Republican State Committee offers paid internships during fall, spring, and summer. Their stated selection criteria include academic record, work experience, and displayed leadership skills. For further information contact: CJ McClanahan at 1-800-466-1087 or 317-635-7561. Send resumés to the Indiana Republican State Committee, 200 South Meridian, #400, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
Internship opportunities in Crawfordsville, Montgomery County. It is sometimes possible for students to arrange internships in local government agencies (for example, the prosecutor's office), or to obtain internship experience in local political campaigns. See a member of the political science department for further information.
The Citizens' Forum on Self-Government offers an 8 week program for interns who work on matters concerned with the structure and function of state and local governments. There is a small stipend. The application deadline falls in mid-April. For further information contact Intern Coordinator, Citizens Forum/National Municipal League, 55 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036. Tel: (212) 730-7930.
B. Internships in Media
C-SPAN's internship program seeks to use the talents and education of students interested in communications and politics by familiarizing them with the workings of a cable television network and the political process. Students must meet three basic criteria: be college juniors or seniors; be interning for college credit (that makes this one an internship to think about doing while on Washington Semester); be able to work a minimum of 16 hours per week. Address: C-SPAN, Internship Program, 400 N. Capitol St., NW Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001. Tel: (202) 737-3220. Visit their homepage.
Center for Investigative Reporting, a non-profit, independent organization committed to investigative reporting offers six-month internships paying $100/month stipend to students who want to pair off with senior reporters and learn the techniques of investigative journalism. For winter internships the deadline is December 1; for summer, it is May 1. Write to the Center for Investigative Reporting, c/o Communications Director, 568 Howard Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Tel: (415) 543-1200.
American Society of Magazine Editors offers 10 week summer internships to teach students about magazines by working in editorial offices in NY, DC, and Chicago. Involvement in journalism helps. Stipend of $200 per week +. For further information contact: American Society of Magazine Editors, 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Tel: (212) 872-3700. E-mail:
Central Newspapers: The Indianapolis News offers internships for recent graduates; some journalism experience expected as well as a commitment to newspaper journalism as a career. For further information contact: Editor, The Indianapolis News, P.O. Box 145, Indianapolis, IN 46206.
The Los Angeles Times hires interns for its California offices as well as one intern for its Washington bureau. Summer internships only, run for 11 weeks long and have a December 1 application deadline; part-time internships lasting 17 weeks are available in fall and spring with June 1 and October 1 deadlines respectively. Contact: The Los Angeles Times, Editorial Internships, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Tel: 1-800-LATIMES.
The Philadelphia Inquirer offers paid summer internships in reporting. Internships run from Memorial Day to late August. Applications are due in mid-January. For further information contact: Internship Coordinator, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 400 North Broad Street, P.O. 8263, Philadephia, PA 19101.
The Boston Globe offers full time paid work to interns from June 1 to Labor Day. The program also includes seminars on legal, constitutional, and other issues related to journalism. Some journalism experience is expected. The application deadline is December 1. For further information contact: The Boston Globe, Boston, MA 02107. Tel: (617) 929-2000.
Washington Post offers summer internships to current college juniors and seniors interested in journalism. Nov. 1 deadline to apply for the following summer. For further information, contact: News Personnel 5th Floor, The Washington Post, 1150 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20071. Tel: (202) 334-6000.
The MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour provides unpaid internships running 12-16 weeks in New York, Washington, and Denver. For summer internships, apply by March 31; fall, July 31; and spring, October 31. For more information write to The MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, Internship Coordinator, 356 West Street, New York, NY 10019. Tel: (212) 560-3131.
The New Republic offers internships to prospective journalists to read unsolicited manuscripts, check facts, and write short articles, reviews and editorials. The internships is paid. ($175 per week.) The deadline for summer is February 1; for the academic year, May 1. Tel: (202) 7494.
Harper's offers unpaid, full time internships in spring, summer, and fall. Deadlines are October 1, February 1, and June. For further information contact: Internship Coordinator, Harper's Magazine, Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.
C. Internships in Think Tanks and Interest Groups
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) assigns interns to work for resident scholars working in economic policy, foreign and defense policy, or social and political policy. Internships are available in the fall, spring or summer and run 12 weeks. They are unpaid. Deadlines are Sept. 1 for fall, Dec. 1 for spring and Apr. 1 for summer. The application should consist of an official transcript, resume, and a 500-word writing sample. For further information contact American Enterprise Institute, Intern Coordinator, 1150 Seventeenth St. NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: (202) 862-5800.
The Brookings Institution assigns its unpaid interns to work on research involving political institutions, processses and policies. Internships run 12 weeks and are available fall, spring and summer. Deadlines are August 15 for fall, December 15 for spring and April 15 for summer. Write to the Brookings Institution, Internship Coordinator, 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: (202) 797-6000. Visit their Home page.
The Heritage Foundation has internships available.
The American Prospect, a liberal policy research group, has an internship page.
Access offers internships as well.
Institute for Policy Studies, a liberally-oriented research group, offers unpaid internships on a variety of projects. Interns should be prepared to commit to work for 2 months. Internships are filled on a rolling basis. For further information contact Intern Coordinator, Institute for Policy Studies, 1901 Q Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. Tel: (202) 234-9382.
Common Cause uses interns to work with grassroots lobbying efforts as well as to monitor congressional meetings and do other research. Interns should be prepared to commit two days a week to this volunteer internship. For further information contact Common Cause, Volunteer Office, 2030 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: (202) 833-1200.
Council for a Livable World Education Fund was established in 1980. It finances research, printing, and distribution of information to educate the public and policy makers about nuclear weapons, the dangers of the arms race, and the search for peaceful alternatives. The Education Fund is also a participating organization in the Herbert Scoville, Jr. Peace Fellowship program.
Intern Duties: Interns prepare a weekly tape-recorded hotline, attend weekly coalition meetings, drop off urgent information at Members' offices, research and write fact sheets published by the Council and the Council Education Fund, and share administrative duties.
Internship Program: One intern works for the Council for a Livable World, and one intern works on the two projects of Council for a Livable World Education Fund. The Council Education Fund consists of the Project on Peacekeeping and the United Nations, and the Conventional Arms Transfers Project. The interns are matched by their interests and skills with the organization's current needs, leaving room for creativity.
Office Environment: The Council is located in the Methodist building, the oldest private building on the Hill, which houses other progressive organizations and a chapel, and is located right across the street from The Capitol. Office space is small. This office has an atmosphere that is very responsive to the moment in Congress. C-Span is on T.V. in the background, and if there's a bill of interest to the Council on the floor, staff will go over to the House or Senate to try and sway the vote, and interns will make last minute calls to swing voters. Dress is professional.
Compensation: Limited transportation costs are reimbursed.
Qualifications: The Council intern should have experience in politics, an interest in national spending priorities, and a willingness to learn about major weapons systems. The Council Education Fund intern should show a history of interest in U.N. issues, controlling the arms race, and global arms sales. The intern should be available to work 40 hours a week, with room for flexibility when necessary. To Apply: Send resume, cover letter, and writing sample to Ms. Jenny Smith as soon as possible, and be persistent. Call and request a phone interview, as this is a rather competitive internship. Contact information: Jenny Smith, Intern Coordinator, Council for a Livable World, Council for a Livable World Education Fund, 110 Maryland Avenue N.E., Suite 409, Washington, DC 20002. Tel: (202) 543-4100.
The Fund for the Feminist Majority offers the chance to lobby for women's issues including reproductive rights, sexual harassment and women's rights. Internships are two months long and unpaid. Student interns may work in the DC or Los Angeles offices. For more information write to The Feminist Majority, 8105 West Third St., Suite 1, Los Angeles, CA 90048 or 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 801, Arlington, VA 22209.
The Americans for Democratic Action, long the nation's best known liberal organization offers full and part time internships during the school year; no pay but hours are flexible and arrangements may be made with home institutions for coordinating for course credit. For further information contact Americans for Democratic Action, 1411 K Street, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: (202) 638-6447.
The National Audubon Society lobbies to protect wildlife and habitat. Its interns help with the grassroots organization of its 600,000 members, learn about environmental legislation, attend agency and congressional briefings and hearings, and discover how to lobby legislative assistants. Internships are unpaid. 12 week summer internships have an April 1 deadline; for 12-20 week winter and spring internships apply by January 1 and August 1 respectively. Write to the National Audubon Society, Government Affairs Internship Program, 700 Broadway SE, Washington, DC 20003. Tel. (212) 979-3000. Visit their Home Page.
The Union of Concerned Scientists involves students in research and lobbying on issues of arms control and the impact of technology. The internships are paid and 30 to 40 hours of work per week is the normal expectation. For further information contact Union of Concerned Scientists, 1616 P Street, NW Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: (202) 332-0900.
The National Taxpayers Union works for lower taxes and reduced government spending. It offers paid internships to students interested in working on researching taxpayers issues, preparing a Congressional spending analysis and lobbying at the grassroots, national, and state levels. Students should apply 6 weeks ahead of the desired starting date and by April 1 for summer internships. For further information contact Internship Program, National Taxpayer Union, 325 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20002. Tel: (703) 683-5700. Visit their Home Page.
American Association of Trial Lawyers (ATLA) offers undergraduates paid internships in aspects of legal research. This professional association focuses on personal injury law, investigates product safety and also presents its findings to regulatory agencies. For information write to the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Intern Coordinator, 1050 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007.
The Independent Sector, a coalition of some 500 groups interested in preserving private charitable giving habits, offers paid internships for 3-5 days a week spent monitoring legislation and congressional hearings, analyzing legislative issues, and working on lobbying workshops. For further information contact Assistant Director Government Relations, Independent Sector, 1828 L Street NW--Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: (202) 223-8100. Visit their Home Page.
Friends Committee on National Legislation works to express the concerns of the Society in public policy. Interns research legislative priorities, prepare articles or study papers, etc. Internship is unpaid. For further information contact: Ned Stow, Volunteer Program, Friends Committee on National Legislation, 245 Second Street, NW Washington, DC 20002. Tel: (202) 547-6000. Visit their Home Page. This organization also offers a year-long paid research intern program at a subsistence salary.
Friends of the Earth. Work with staff lobbyists, unpaid, 10 week minimum. For further information contact: Internship Coordinator, Friends of the Earth, 530 7th St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. Tel: (202) 543-4312. Visit their Home Page.
Latino Civil Rights Task Force works on behalf of Hispanics in the Washington area. Unpaid semester-long internships as legal aides, media coordinators, or research assistants are available to seniors. For further information, contact: Mr. Pedro Aviles, Executive Director, 1815 Adams Mill Road, Washington, DC 20009. Tel: (202) 332-1053.
NOW Legal Defense and Educational Fund has internships in New York and Washington for undergraduates interested in policy projects on women's rights. Contact: Ms. Jackie Butler, Administrative Assistant, NOW Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 99 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013. Tel: (212) 925-6635. Visit their Home Page.
D. Congress
Some congressional caucuses offered internships, but many caucuses were eliminated during the House's reorganization in January '95. This list has not yet been updated to reflect those changes. Past sources of internships included:
The Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus, a bipartisan legislative research organship serving a membership of 140 Representatives and Senators interested in foreign and military policy invites interested students to apply for a full-time volunteer internship during fall, spring or summer. Candidates should submit completed application, writing sample and 2 letters to Intern Coordinator, 501 House Annex II, Washington, DC 20515; Tel: (202) 226-3440.
The Environmental and Energy Study Conference, a bipartisan group of House and Senate members who share interests in these areas, seeks students to attend hearings, compile information and work on major research projects. Internships can be as short as 10 weeks though 3-4 months is typical. The internships are unpaid and full-time participation is required. For further information contact: Intern Coordinator, Environmental and Energy Study Conference, House Annex 2, Rm 515, US Congress, Washington, DC 20515.
The Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues, a bipartisan organization seeking to improve the status of women and eliminate gender discrimination in federal programs. Interns are included in every phase of caucus activity and do the work of regular staffers. The internships are unpaid. Those interested should apply at least two months ahead of the date of the start of the internship. for further information contact: Intern Coordinator, Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues, Congress of the United States, 2471 Rayburn Building, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. 20515.
The Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition. This is a bipartisan alliance of members of Congress from the Northeast and Midwest who try to promote policies which benefit the region. Interns may work on legislative topics or with press and media. The internship is unpaid. for further information contact Internship Coordinator, Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, 530 House Annex #2, Washington, DC 20515.
Roll Call, the weekly "local" newspaper covering Congress that circulates on Capitol Hill offers internships. These internships are unpaid and last at least three months. For further information contact Roll Call, 201 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002. Visit their Home Page.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee uses 25-30 unpaid interns to do research, assist in fundraising, work with communications, and tend to mail and administrative details. If you are interested in learning more, contact Ms. Jacqui Vaughn, Intern Coordinator, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 Tel: (202) 863-1500
E. Executive Branch
The President. The White House offers about 200 internships in the East and West Wing and in executive departments. These are unpaid 12 week internships available fall, spring and summer. Application deadlines are February 15 for the summer, June 23 for fall, and November 15 for spring. For further information contact: White House Internship Program, Old Executive Office Building, Room 84, Washington, DC 20502; Tel: (202) 456-2742; Fax: (202) 456-5123. Further information as well as application materials may be obtained on-line at this site.
The Vice-President. The Vice-President has 3 month internships available year round. Deadlines are September 1, November 1, January 1 and May 1. For further information contact: Director, Intern Program, Office of the Vice President, 277 Old Executive Office Building Washington, DC. 20501.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency offers students who have taken at least four courses in environmental science the chance to spend 10 to 14 weeks working on issues related to environmental policy and regulation. Interns are compensated through grants ranging from $4000 to $6500. The deadline is December 20. Write to the Environmental Protection Agency, NNEMS National Program Manager, US EPA (1707), 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460. Tel: (202) 260-2090. Visit their Home Page.
F. Independent Regulatory Agencies
The Securities and Exchange Commission offers interns the opportunity to work on the investigation of cases in securities' law. The internship is unpaid and requires at least 16 hours a week. For further information, contact Intern Program Coordinator, Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington Regional Office, Ballston Center, Tower #3, 4015 Wilson Boulevard, Rm. 300, Washington, DC 22203. Tel: (703) 235-3706.
G. The Judiciary
The Supreme Court of the United States has internships for undergraduate students in management and social sciences working on research projects concerning the administration of justice. These unpaid internships are highly competitive. for further information contact: Supreme Court of the United States, Judicial Internship Program, Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice, Room 5, Washington, DC. Tel: (202) 479-3374.
H. Internships and Careers in Foreign Affairs
1. Internships
The Carter Center at Emory University offers most of its internships to Emory students but has a few opportunities available to other students who are interested in the Center's projects and programs in areas such as international conflict resolution, human rights, domestic and international health. Internships are unpaid, 12 weeks long and available in fall, spring and summer. Deadlines for fall, July 15, for spring, October 15 and for summer, March 15. Contact The Carter Center, Internship Program, One Copenhill Avenue, Atlanta GA 30307. Tel: (404) 331-3900. Visit their Home Page.
The CIA offers internships paid at the rate of $300-375 per week. These are available at its Langley headquarters as well as elsewhere. Its undergraduate internships are open to minority and disabled students in their junior and senior years of college. Applications for summer spots are due early--September 30! For more information write to the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA Employment Center, P.O. Box 12727, Arlington, VA 22209.
The Center for Defense Information gives students with an interest in defense policy and related public policy issues the opportunity to serve as research and outreach assistants. These competitive, paid internships are offered in Spring, Summer and Fall. The deadlines are Nov. 1 for Spring, April 1 for summer and July 1 for Fall. for further information contact Intern Program Coordinator Center for Defense Information, 303 Capitol Gallery West, 600 Maryland Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20024. Tel: (202) 862-0700.
Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy offers internships to students interested in peace and social change who are interested in grassroots organizing, lobbying, and research. Interns must make a 12 week commitment and receive $200 a month toward expenses. For further information contact Intern Coordinator, Coalition FNMP, 712 G Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.
The European Union offers unpaid internships in Washington to provide college and university students and recent graduates with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the European Union, its institutions, activities, laws, statistics and relations with the US. A working knowledge of FRENCH is useful, but not essential. Preference is given to candidates available on a FULL TIME basis, i.e. 35-40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. Internships are offered three times a year in keeping with the "semester calendar" from: September through December (Fall semester); January through May (Spring semester); June through August (Summer session). Deadlines are as follows: Fall Semester: June 15, Spring Semester: November 15. Summer Session: February 15. The EU also offers a limited number of internships in Europe for students from non-EU member countries. For further information visit their home page.
The Peace Corps also offers a year-round 2-6 month internship program in headquarters offices. They are unpaid. Applicants must submit a Standard Form 171 Personal Qualifications Statement. for further information contact Student Intern Coordinator, Peace Corps Personnel, 806 Connecticut Avenue, NW Room P-307, Washington, DC 20526. Tel: (800) 424-8580. Visit their Home Page.
Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowships which provide $1300 a month for 4-6 months working full times on arms control research and/or action activities. Applicants must submit a vita, two letters of reference, a cover letter, and transcript. The fellowship is available to college graduates with some interest, education, or experience in the arms control area. Application deadline is March 15 for fall and October 15 for spring. For further information, write to Scoville Peace Fellowship Program, 110 Maryland Ave. NE Suite 211, Washington, DC 20002.
The Department of State offers both paid summer interships and work-study internships. These internships are highly competitiveand may even include work overseas. The lead-time for obtaining Department of State internships is fairly long, since successful applicants may be put through a security clearance. Applications for summer are usually due around November 1. For further information, contact: Internship Coordinator, Recruitment Division, Department of State, P.O. Box 12209, Rosslyn Station, Arlington, VA 22209 or visit this website.
Africa Report. Full and part time unpaid internships; small regular paid staff; relies heavily on work of interns to produce Africa Report, a highly respected journal on Africa. For further information, contact: Intern Coordinator, Africa Report, 833 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017.
American Committee of Africa/the Africa Fund supports African peoples in their struggle for freedom and independence; no stipend; part-time internships available. For further information, contact: Internship coordinator, 198 Broadway, New York, NY 10038. Tel: (212) 962-1210.
American-Scandinavian Foundation offers summer training program in Scandinavia--emphasis on c.s., horticulture, forestry, business; living costs covered; airfare required, application fee. For further information contact: The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 725 Park Ave, New York, NY. Tel: (212) 879-9779.
Organization of American States Student Intern Program. The OAS Student Intern Program is designed for junior, senior, and graduate students at the university level to allow them to work within their fields of study. The Program, although non remunerative, is highly competitive. In order to be selected, students must have at least a 3.0 GPA, a good command of two of the four official languages of the Organization (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese), preferrence will be given to the first two official languages. The Program requires a minimum participation of 20 hours per week for those interested in a part-time internship. The Program has three sessions during the year. The deadlines for applications and the starting/finishing dates are as follows: Fall Program-- June 15-- Labor Day to mid-December; Winter/Spring Program-- November 15-- Late January to early May; Summer