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Academic Bulletin English - 2011-12

Currently viewing 2011-12 bulletin

Faculty: M. Hudson (Chair), C. Benedicks, E. Freeze, D. Herring~, T. Herzog**,  T. Lake*, J. Lamberton, W. Rosenberg, A. Szczeszak-Brewer

*Sabbatical leave, fall semester

**Sabbatical leave, spring semester

The English Department faculty offers a wide range of courses in literature, creative and expository writing, and media studies. The course offerings are divided into introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses that meet the general and specialized needs of English majors and minors, as well as students throughout the college. The courses aim to develop careful readers and accomplished writers who possess skills of comprehension, analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and evaluation. The study of literature fosters a widening of the mind’s horizons and a deepening of the heart. It enables us to make connections between our present historical moment and the past, thereby giving our vision depth and perspective. It gives us a sense of our common human journey as well as of our extraordinary possibilities. The poem, the play, the story, the essay: they are the best means we have for self-understanding, as individuals and as a species.

All students are invited to consider English105-260 to fulfill distribution requirements in Language Studies and Literature and Fine Arts. These courses are introductory in nature, with the exception of 200 level creative writing courses, which have ENG 110 or permission of the instructor as prerequisites.  Courses numbered above English 260 usually have a prerequisite of any one English literature course at Wabash. Intermediate courses (titled “Studies in...” and numbered from 300) will be structured according to various approaches to literary studies, the second digit indicating one of several approaches: Historical contexts (300); literary genres (310); literary modes (320); themes and topics (330); authors (340); media (350); multicultural and national literatures (360); special topics (370); language studies (390). Not all will be offered each year. Occasionally the content of the course will be altered (partly in response to student requests), but the critical approach will remain the same.

There are two tracks for majoring in English.  Students may chooseeither Literature or Creative Writing.

Requirements for the Major in Literature: Majors are required to take the following English courses: (1) three of the six core survey courses (English 214-220) (These three courses should be completed by the end of the junior year); (2) English 297 (preferably in the freshman or sophomore year); (3) four additional full courses (or their equivalent), including at least two full course credits labeled “Studies in ...,” and one “Seminar” course. English 101 does NOT count toward the major and no more than two Language Studies courses in English may be included in the required nine. The core survey courses should give the major a broad understanding of English and American literary periods; the additional six courses should help him determine those critical approaches most appropriate to his literary interests.

 Requirements for the Major in Creative Writing: Majors will take four courses in creative writing (including one course in a second genre), English 498/499 (two half-credit courses), English 497, and three courses in literature. Two of the creative writing courses must be at the advanced level (300 or 400 level). The three literature courses must be at the 200 level or above; at least one must be a 200 level course and at least one must be at the 300 level. Students in this track would be encouraged, but not required, to take either English 297 or English 397.

The typical sequence for a student in the creative writing track would start with English 110, the multi-genre course (in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction). That would be followed by a 200 level intermediate course in a single genre, then a 300 level advanced course in that same genre. As a senior, the student would take English 497 and English 498/499 (two half-credit courses, in which the student develops a portfolio of work in his chosen genre).

For Senior Comprehensives, literature majors must pass two department examinations: (1) an analysis of an unfamiliar text; and (2) an essay on a comprehensive question.  Creative Writing majors must pass two departmental examinations: (1), an analysis of an unfamiliar text; and (2), an essay on a question of literary craft or technique.

Majors with specific graduate school plans should discuss these with department members. Those who wish to continue work in English should be aware of foreign language requirements for graduate degrees, as well as the significant advantage of knowing the literature of another language. Courses in Classics, Religion, and the Arts would also be good preparation for advanced study in Literature, Language, or Creative Writing.

Requirements for the Minor: Five full-credit courses, not including English 101. Ordinarily students will choose to concentrate along one of the following lines, but a student may, by presenting a written proposal that receives Departmental approval, construct an alternate minor that better suits his needs. These proposals need to be submitted by the end of the first semester of the student’s junior year.

The minor in literature consists of two core survey courses and three additional courses in literature. one of which should be 300 level or above.

The minor in creative writing will consist of three courses in creative writing and two courses in writing or literature. At least one of the creative writing courses should be at the advanced level.

Introductory Courses

These courses, numbered 105-160, introduce students to English, American, and World literature in translation. Two half-semester courses, English 105 and 106, introduce students to the ways of reading poetry and short fiction. English 107 and 108 emphasize history as a subject matter in literature. English 109 and 160, as well as English 107 and 108, focus on world and multicultural literature.

English 214-220, offered yearly, are designated “Core” courses because they are central to our conception of an English major. They introduce the student to basic literary and cultural history, to significant writers, works, and themes, and to useful critical modes. Students will be expected to participate in classroom discussion and write several short papers. These courses also serve as the foundation for more advanced literary study.

English 297: Introduction to the Study of Literature. Required of all literature majors, and must be taken during the freshman or sophomore years.

Intermediate Courses

COURSES NUMBERED 300-370 HAVE THE PREREQUISITE OF ANY ONE ENGLISH LITERATURE COURSE AT WABASH. They are designed to complement and develop historical and cultural awareness, and the knowledge of authors, themes, topics, genres, modes, and critical approaches encountered in Introductory and Core courses. Students in Intermediate courses take initiative in class discussion, write several analytical papers, and become familiar with the use of secondary critical sources. Topics for Intermediate courses are generally repeated every two or three years.

Advanced (Seminar) Courses

Two sections of English 497 are the two Advanced Courses offered every fall. These are seminars designed primarily for English majors (although occasionally English minors enroll in them). The topics vary depending upon the research and teaching interests of the faculty. They demand a high level of student involvement in research and discussion. Several short papers and a long critical essay are required. Please Note: the two seminars are only offered in the fall semester.

 An Area of Concentration in Education and Middle and High School Teaching licensure (grades 5-12) with this major is administered through the Teacher Education Program. For Education AOC and teaching licensure information, please see the Teacher Education section of the Academic Bulletin. Students are asked to consult with their academic advisor AND the Director of Teacher Education to learn more about course and licensure requirements.

Course Title Credits Prerequisites
ENG 101 Composition 1 or 1/2  
ENG 107 History and Drama: Science and Scientists 1/2  
ENG 202 Writing with Power and Grace 1  
ENG 202 Writing with Power and Grace 1  
ENG 210 Special Topics in Creative Writing 1

Prerequisite: English 110 or permission of instrucor

ENG 211 Creative Non-fiction 1  
ENG 260 Multiculture Literatures: Introduction to Black Studies 1  
ENG 297 Introduction to the Study of Literature 1  
ENG 311 Advanced Workshop in Creative Nonfiction 1

Prerequisite: English 211

ENG 312 Advanced Workshop in Poetry 0

Prerequisite: English 212

ENG 313 Advanced Workshop in Fiction 1

Prerequisite: English 213

ENG 370 Studies in Special Topics: African-American Immigration 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Ecocriticism and American Nature Writing 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Sexualities, Textualities, and Queer Theory 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Literary Perspectives of American Soldier-Authors Fighting and Writing the Vietnam War 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Ecocriticism and American Nature Writing 1  
ENG 498-499 Creativ Writing Capstone Portfolio Course 1/2

Prerequisite: 300-level workshop, majors only


Language Studies Courses
ENG 121 Studies in Language: Language Variation and Change (HUM 121/MLL 176) 1/2  
ENG 122 Studies in Language: Modern Linguistics (HUM 122/MLL 176) 1/2  
ENG 212 Creative Writing: Poetry 1  
ENG 213 Creative Writing: Short Fiction 1  
ENG 310 Studies in Literary Genres: Postmodern Fiction 1  
ENG 310 Studies in Literary Genres: Postmodern Fiction 1  
ENG 387 Independent Study in Language 1 or 1/2

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and approval of the Department Chair.

ENG 410 Advanced Composition: Academic and Professional Writing 1

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of the instructor.

ENG 411 Advanced Composition: Business & Technical Writing 1

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of the instructor.


Literature Courses
ENG 105 Introduction to Poetry 1/2  
ENG 106 Introduction to Short Fiction 1/2  
ENG 109 World Literature in Translation 1  
ENG 160 Multicultural Literature in America 1  
ENG 214 Introduction to British Literature after 1900 1  
ENG 215 Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature 1  
ENG 216 Introduction to Shakespeare 1  
ENG 217 English Literature, 1660-1800 1  
ENG 218 Introduction to English Literature, 1800-1900 1  
ENG 219 Introduction to American Literature before 1900 1  
ENG 220 Introduction to American Literature after 1900 1  
ENG 300 Studies in Historical Contexts: King Arthur, Romance and Chivalry 1  
ENG 300 Studies in Historical Contexts: Beat Poetry 1/2  
ENG 300 Studies in Historical Contexts: The Literature of the American 1920's 1  
ENG 300 Studies in Historical Contexts: The Literature of the American 1920's 1  
ENG 310 Studies in Literary Genres: Science Fiction 1  
ENG 310 Studies in Literary Genres: American Nature Writing 1  
ENG 320 Studies in Literary Modes: American Modernism 1  
ENG 320 Studies in Literary Modes: English Romanticism 1  
ENG 330 Studies in Special Topics: Literature of War: Modern Literature of War 1  
ENG 340 Studies in Individual Authors: (Post) Colonial Joyce 1

Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing

ENG 340 Studies in in Individual Authors: Two Kinsmen: William Butler Yeats and Ezra Pound 1  
ENG 340 Studies in Individual Authors: George Bernard Shaw 1/2  
ENG 340 Studies in Individual Authors: Herman Melville 1  
ENG 350 Studies in Media: Literature and Film 1  
ENG 360 Studies in Multicultural/National Literatures: Jewish American Literature 1/2  
ENG 360 Studies in Multicultural/National Literatures: African-American Literature: The Novel 1  
ENG 360 Studies in Multicultural/National Literatures: Pen and Protest: Literature and Civil Rights 1  
ENG 360 Studies in Multicultural/National Literatures: African-American Literature: Introduction 1  
ENG 370 Studies in Special Topics: Medieval/Modern Literature 1  
ENG 370 Studies in Special Topics: Medieval/Modern Literature 1  
ENG 388 Independent Study in Literature 1 or 1/2

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and approval of the Department Chair.

ENG 397 Studies in Critical Reading 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Gender Criticism 1  
ENG 497 Seminar in English Literature: Gender Criticism 1  
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