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Academic Bulletin Chemistry - 2011-12

Currently viewing 2011-12 bulletin

Faculty: A. Taylor (chair), R. Dallinger, S. Feller*, M. Hoops, W. Novak, L. Porter, L. Wysocki

* Sabbatical leave, year

The Wabash College Chemistry Department believes in a challenging curriculum which thoroughly investigates all areas of modern chemistry and in a significant hands-on investigative laboratory experience in which students become progressively more independent as they proceed through the curriculum. We believe that such an education will prepare chemistry majors for a variety of career outcomes, including those in research, medicine, teaching, and industry. In recent years, three-fourths of our majors have gone directly to graduate school in chemistry/ biochemistry or to medical school immediately following graduation. Others have chosen to take jobs as chemists or to attend other professional schools (business, law, and physical therapy). We strive to provide chemistry minors and pre-medical students with the knowledge base they need to succeed in their chosen fields. We seek to involve all Wabash students in the study of chemistry through non-majors courses‚ Chemistry 101 and 102. We attempt to teach all chemistry students about the relationship between chemistry and the world around them.

Requirements for the Chemistry Major: A chemistry major requires completion of the following core courses (eight credits): 111, 211, 221, 321, 331, 351, 361, and 441. Students may complete the nine-course requirement by selecting among the following electives: 421, 431, 451, 452, 461, 462, 471, 487, 488. Chemistry 421, 452, 461 and 471 may be repeated when the topics change. No more than one-half course credit of independent study (Chemistry 487 or 488) may be used to construct the minimum nine-course major. Chemistry 101 and 102 do not count toward the major.

The following courses are also required for chemistry majors‚ Mathematics 110 or 111 and 112, Physics 111 and Physics 112 (Chemistry/Physics double majors and Physics minors will take Physics 111, 113 and 114). The mathematics courses are best taken in the freshman year, and the physics sequence should be taken in the sophomore year, because physical chemistry (taken by all junior chemistry majors) has a two-course physics prerequisite. A student who places into Mathematics 010 should complete the Mathematics 010/110 sequence in the freshman year, then begin Chemistry 111 in the sophomore year.

Suggested order of courses for the chemistry major:

Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Che 111
Math 111
Che 211
Math 112
Che 221
Physics 111
Che 321
Physics 112
Che 351
Che 331
Che 361
Che 441

+ electives taken in the Junior or Senior year.

Strongly Recommended Supporting Coursework:
Biology 111, 112
More Mathematics, particularly 223, 224, 225
More Physics, particularly 210 and 310
More Biology, for students interested in biochemistry and medicine
Computer Science 111


Requirements for the Biochemistry Major: a biochemistry major requires the completion of the following core courses (seven credits): 111, 211, 221, 321, 351, 361, 461, and 462.  Students complete the nine-course requirement by choosing one from CHE 331 or 441 and selecting one of the following  courses from the Biology Departmetn: BIO 225, 311, 314, and approved 37X courses (this course may not be counted a Biology minor).

The following courses are also required for the biochemistry majors.  Mathematics 110 or 111, Physics 111 and 112, and Biology 111, 112, 211, 212.  The mathematics courses are best taken in the freshman year, and the physics sequence is best in t he sophomore year, because physical chemistry has a two-course physics prerequisite.  A student who places into Mathematics 010 should complete Mathematics 010/110 and Biology 111/112 sequences in the freshmen year, and then begin Chemistry 111 in the sophomore year.

There are many possible routes through the Biochemistry mahor; please consult witht he department chair for special circumstances:


Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Che 111
Math 111
Che 211
Math 112
Bio 111
Math 111
Bio 112
Math 112
Che 221
Physics 111
Bio 111
Che 321
Physics 112
Bio 112
Bio 211
Che 111
Physics 111
Bio 212
Che 211
Physics 112
Che 351
Bio 211
Che 361
Bio 212
Che 221
Che 351 or Bio choice
Che 321
Che 361
Che 461/462
Che or Bio choice
Che choice or Bio choice
Che 461/462
Che 351 or Che or Bio choice
Che choice or Bio choice


Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Che 111
Bio 111
Math 111
Che 211
Bio 112
Math 112
Che 111
Bio 111
Math 111
Che 211
Bio 112
Math 112
Che 221
Bio 211
Physics 111
Che 321
Bio 212
Physics 112
Che 221
Bio 211
Che 321
Bio 212
Che 351
Bio choice
Che 361
Che or Bio choice
Bio choice or Che 351
Physics 111
Che 361
Physics 112
Che 461/462
Che choice or Bio choice
Che or Bio choice
Che 461/462
Che 351 or Bio choice or Che choice
Che choice and/or Bio choice

Chemistry  and Biochemistry majors who wish to transfer chemistry credits from another institution as part of their major must have the prior approval of the Department Chair to do so.

The written comprehensive examination for senior majors emphasizes both knowledge of basic chemical concepts and the ability to apply these concepts to new problems. One part of the exam involves reading and answering questions over several articles from the recent chemical literature; the second part of the exam involves answering questions from the core chemistry courses the student has taken. There is also a literature based project and a laboratory practical.

Requirement for the Chemistry Minor: The following courses are required for the chemistry minor-Chemistry 111, 211, and 221. The student may select any other 2-course credits from the departmental offerings (except Chemistry 101 and 102) to complete the minor, provided the prerequisites for the courses are met. No more than one-half course credit of independent study (Chemistry 487, 488) may be used to construct the minimum five-course minor.

Chemistry minors who wish to transfer chemistry credits from another institution as part of their minor must have the prior approval of the Department Chair to do so.

Requirements for Premeds: Premedical students are required to take four courses in chemistry before the end of their junior year (when the MCAT examination is generally taken). Wabash pre-med students should take the following courses to meet the premed chemistry requirement‚ Chemistry 111, 211, 221, and 321.

Advanced Placement: Please refer to the College Advanced Placement guidelines under Credit by Examination. Potential chemistry majors and minors who wish to claim advanced placement credit should discuss placement options with the Department Chair. If the Chair and the student decide that it is in the student’s best interest to take Chemistry 111, the advanced placement chemistry credit must be forfeited.

ACS Certified Degree: To meet the certification requirements formulated by the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (CPT) as a chemist and for adequate preparation for graduate school, additional classroom and laboratory work beyond the minimum nine-course major is required. The student should consult with the Chair of the Chemistry Department concerning ways in which the remaining requirements may be fulfilled.

An Area of Concentration in Education and Middle and High School Teaching licensure (grades 5-12) with this major is administered through the Teacher Education Program. For Education AOC and teaching licensure information, please see the Teacher Education section of the Bulletin. Students are asked to consult with their academic advisor AND the Director of Teacher Education to learn more about course and licensure requirements.

Course Title Credits Prerequisites
CHE 101 Survey of Chemistry 1  
CHE 102 Topics in Chemistry 1 or 1/2  
CHE 111 General Chemistry 1

Prerequisite: Freshmen must have a Mathematics 111 placement or higher to enroll in this course.

CHE 221 Organic Chemistry I 1

Prerequisite: Chemistry 111.

CHE 302 Electron Microscopy (PHY 302) 1/2

Prerequisite: Junior or senior major in chemistry/physics or permission of the instructor.

CHE 321 Organic Chemistry II 1

Prerequisite: Chemistry 221

CHE 331 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 1

Prerequisite: Chemistry 211.

CHE 351 Physical Chemistry I 1

Prerequisites: Chemistry 211, Physics 112 or 113, Mathematics 112.

CHE 361 Biochemistry 1

Prerequisites: Chemistry 321, 211, or with permission of the instructor.

CHE 421 Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry 1/2

Prerequisite: Chemistry 321.

CHE 431 Advanced Laboratory 1/2

Prerequisite: Chemistry 331 or permission of instructor.

CHE 441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 1

Prerequisites: Chemistry 211 and 351.

CHE 451 Physical Chemistry II 1/2

Prerequisite: Chemistry 351.

CHE 452 Advanced Physical Chemistry 1/2

Prerequisite: Chemistry 451 or permission of instructor.

CHE 461 Special Topics in Biochemistry 1/2  
CHE 462 Advanced Biochemistry 1/2

Prerequisite: Chemistry 361

CHE 471 Special Topics in Chemistry 1 or 1/2

Prerequisites: Vary with each individual topic; watch for course announcement prior to pre-registration.

CHE 487 Special Problems 1 or 1/2  
CHE 488 Special Problems 1 or 1/2  
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