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Academic Bulletin Physics - 2010-11

Currently viewing 2010-11 bulletin

Faculty: D. Krause (chair), J. Brown, M. Madsen, E. Sayre

Physics is the study of the fundamental laws that govern our universe. Our curriculum is designed to give our students a solid foundation for understanding these laws and how they were uncovered. The language that best expresses these laws is mathematical so there are a significant number of mathematics courses, which serve as prerequisites for our courses. However, since physics describes the real world, our curriculum also incorporates a significant laboratory component to ensure our students will learn how to interrogate Nature and understand the answers it gives. Only by balancing theoretical concepts with experimental reality can one reach a more complete understanding of the world.

Our physics majors and minors will master valuable analysis and problemsolving skills, which can be applied to a wide variety of situations beyond physics. By integrating these skills with their liberal arts experiences, our students are prepared for a vast spectrum of careers. Recent graduates have gone on to work in physics research, engineering, computer programming, teaching, environmental studies, law, business, and other fields.

For Senior Comprehensives, majors must pass an exam which requires them to demonstrate a coherent understanding of all the major areas of physics covered in the required courses, including computational and laboratory methods, and the ability to apply this understanding to solve specific problems.

Requirements for a Major: Nine course credits in physics. These must include Physics 111, 112 (or 114, which is being discontinued), 209 (or 113, which has been discontinued), 210, 381, and 382. Of the four remaining physics course credits, two must come from the following set of advanced courses: Physics 310, 314, and 315. Physics 101 and 105 do not count toward the major unless supplemented by additional work that must receive prior approval by the course instructor and the physics department chair. Students accepted into a 3-2 engineering program may substitute Chemistry 111 for the one elective physics course. Those planning to go on to graduate school in physics should plan to take Physics 230, 310, 314, and 315.

In addition, mathematics courses that are prerequisites or co-requisites for physics courses are Mathematics 111 (or 110), 112, 223, 224, and 225. Although not required, Computer Science 111 is also highly recommended, and Mathematics 324 and 344 are useful.

Since physics is a hierarchical subject, it is important to take Physics 111 and 112 during the freshman year if one wishes to major in physics. Below is a possible schedule of how one might fulfill all the necessary requirements:

Fall Semester Spring Semester

Physics 111
Mathematics 111

Physics 112
Mathematics 112
Physics 209
Mathematics 223
Physics 210
Mathematics 224
Physics elective
Physics 381
Mathematics 225
Physics elective
Physics 382
Physics elective Physics elective

Elective courses regularly offered in the fall semester include Physics 220/230 (alternate years), Physics 310, and Physics 315, while regularly taught spring semester courses include Physics 314. In addition, Special Topics Courses 277 or 377 may be offered in the fall, and 278 or 378 in the spring, depending on student interest and instructor availability.

Requirements for a Minor: Five courses in physics, one of which must include Physics 210 with appropriate prerequisites. Any exceptions must receive prior approval from the department chair. Physics 101 and 105 do not count toward the minor unless supplemented by additional work that must receive prior approval by the course instructor and the physics department chair. Mathematics prerequisites (or co-requisites) are Mathematics 111 (or 110) and 112.

An Area of Concentration and High School Teaching licensure in this discipline is awarded by the Teacher Education Program. For licensure information please see the Indiana Teacher Licensing Requirements for Adolescent and Young Adult License section and for information on this specific discipline see the Content Area Course Requirements for Teaching at the Adolescent and Young Adult Licensure Level section.

Course Title Credits Prerequisites
PHY 101 Astronomy: Fundamentals and Frontiers 1  
PHY 111 General Physics I 1

Prerequisite: Mathematics 111 or 110 (or concurrent registration) or permission of instructor.

PHY 112 General Physics II 1

Prerequisite: Physics 111.

PHY 114 General Physics III 1

Prerequisites: Physics 113 and Mathematics 112.

PHY 209 General Physics III 1

Prerequisites: Physics 112 and Mathematics 112 (or concurrent registration).

PHY 210 Modern Physics 1

Prerequisites: Physics 112 and Mathematics 223 (or concurrent registration or permission of the instructor).

PHY 220 Electronics 1

Prerequisite: Physics 112 or 114 (which is being discontinued) or permission of the instructor.

PHY 230 Thermal Physics 1

Prerequisite: Physics 209 and 210.

PHY 277 Special Topics 1 or 1/2

Prerequisite: To be determined by the topic.

PHY 278 Special Topics 1/2

Prerequisite: To be determined by the topic.

PHY 287 Independent Study 1 or 1/2

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

PHY 288 Independent Study 1 or 1/2

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

PHY 310 Classical Mechanics 1

Prerequisites: Physics 111 (or permission of instructor) and Mathematics 224.

PHY 314 Electrodynamics 1

Prerequisites: Physics 112 and Mathematics 224 and 225 (or permission of instructor).

PHY 315 Quantum Mechanics 1

Prerequisites: Physics 210 and Mathematics 223 and 224 or permission of the instructor.

PHY 377 Advanced Special Topics in Physics 1 or 1/2

Prerequisite: Physics 210 or permission of the instructor.

PHY 381 Advanced Laboratory 1/2

Prerequisite: Physics 210.

PHY 105 Adventures in Physics 1  
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