Currently viewing 2009-10 bulletin
Grades are reported to students each semester. An interim advisory report is made to all new students midway in the fall semester. The quality of a student’s work is designated by the following grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, Incomplete, and Condition. Courses dropped by the student after the official course drop date will receive a W. The deadline for reporting grade changes is four weeks following the issuance of the grade. A grade change beyond this time period will require a request filed with the Dean of College.
The grades of A through D are passing grades and entitle a student to credit in that course. The grade of Satisfactory is used in an interim fashion, when the course continues into the next term, to indicate satisfactory progress. Grades of Incomplete and Condition are not passing but may be made so by procedures described below. No credit is given for F work; the student must repeat the course with a passing grade to receive credit.
The grade of Condition indicates that the student has less than a passing grade; it may be removed by any method prescribed by the instructor. D is the highest grade that may be assigned following the removal of a Condition. The grade of CON is computed as an “F” in the GPA until replaced by a “D.”
The grade of Incomplete indicates that the student has not met all course requirements. It may be removed by completing the work, and the grade then assigned may be any grade. The grade of INC is not computed in the GPA except for calculating the Dean’s List. (See Dean’s List).
Both the grades of Condition and Incomplete not removed by the end of the semester following that for which they were assigned are converted to F on the College records. There will be no modification of the grade change (F) unless approved by petition through the Curriculum Appeals Committee and Academic Dean of the College.
Official withdrawal from the College through the Dean of Students results in the grade of W.