Individual students will work with a faculty member to design and carry out empirical or library research on a topic of their choice. This advanced-level project requires that students become well versed with the primary literature of the field. Prior to registering, the student should discuss his research idea with (and obtain the approval of) the faculty member who will supervise the project. A brief proposal outlining the work to be conducted and an anticipated timetable for completion must be approved by the faculty supervisor no later than two weeks following the first day of classes; students not meeting this deadline must drop the course until a later semester. If the faculty supervisor believes the project will require longer than one semester to complete, the student may be allowed to register for a one-year course (with no additional course-credits); this should be determined prior to registration. Typically, one-half course credit is granted for a faculty directed project. If the student is primarily responsible for designing and carrying out an independent project, a full course credit may be given (this must be determined prior to registration). In either case, completion of the course requires submission of an APA-style written report (to the faculty supervisor) and a 15-minute oral presentation of the project to psychology faculty and students prior to final examination week of the semester the grade is awarded.
Prerequisites: Psychology 202, completion of at least one intermediate-advanced course sequence, and permission of instructor.