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Technology Project Request Form

Please use the following form to submit a new project request to IT Services. If you need help completing the form, or if you would like to discuss your project before submitting the request form, please contact Jamie Ross (, x6302) for assistance.

The project request form will help IT Services track and manage technology projects, and also allow for more systematic review and assessment of new requests.

We generally consider a “project” to be a significant request that will take careful coordination with you or your department (and perhaps multiple departments), and usually will take weeks or even months to complete. If you have a more straightforward help request, please contact the Help Desk (, x6400) for assistance.

Project Coordinator

In this section, list the name and contact information for the person IT Services should work with to define the scope and timeline of the project. In most cases this will be the person submitting the request, but if there is another person in your office who is better able to discuss your needs and objectives, list that person instead.

If you are not the chair or director of your department, you should discuss your project and secure his/her support before submitting this request.

Department Head
Department Head is aware of and supports this request? Yes     No

Project Details

In this section, describe your project in as much detail as possible. Discuss your goals and desired outcomes, not just how you want the technology to work. If the project will require new hardware or software, have you already secured funding? You can attach up to three documents with additional information if necessary.

Project Title
Project Description
Upload File 1:

Upload File 2:

Upload File 3:

Project Benefits

In this section, describe the benefits of your project. Who will benefit, and how? How does the project fit with the Wabash College strategic plan, or your department’s strategic goals? If the project will result in cost or time savings, please try to quantify the savings.

Describe Benefits Here

Project Time Frame and Priority

In this section, list your expectations for when the project will be completed, and how important the project is. Many factors may affect the completion date of your project, and listing a date does not guarantee your project will be done by that date, but it will help our planning to know when you would like the project to be finished.

Desired Completion Date
If this project must be completed by this date (e.g. it’s related to a campus event, or it’s required to satisfy a federal or state requirement), check this box
Priority High     Standard
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