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19/FA Course Faculty Days Comments/Requisites Credits Course Type Location
History of Mexico City
Warner R
08:00AM - 09:15AM
HSP-250-01 = HIS-350-01 - LA CAPITAL: History of Mexico City. Immersion Trip. Registration through instructor only. This course covers the long history of the area today known as Mexico City, or Distrito Federal (DF). Complex civilizations have inhabited this region for over 2000 years, since before the time of the Aztecs (Mexica) until the present, as the world's second largest urban area. Clashes and fusions between cultures have defined the history of the region, creating a complex and fascinating social tapestry today. In addition to engagement with primary and secondary sources, students will author a term paper about a subject of their choice. Over Thanksgiving Break the class will travel to Mexico City to further investigate historical elements of the region. No Prerequisites. Students selected by application.

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1.00 HPR
MXI 214
History of Mexico City
Warner R
08:00AM - 09:15AM
.5 credit from HIS
HIS-350-01 = HSP-250-01 - LA CAPITAL: History of Mexico City. Immersion Trip. Registration through instructor only. This course covers the long history of the area today known as Mexico City, or Distrito Federal (DF). Complex civilizations have inhabited this region for over 2000 years, since before the time of the Aztecs (Mexica) until the present, as the world's second largest urban area. Clashes and fusions between cultures have defined the history of the region, creating a complex and fascinating social tapestry today. In addition to engagement with primary and secondary sources, students will author a term paper about a subject of their choice. Over Thanksgiving Break the class will travel to Mexico City to further investigate historical elements of the region. No Prerequisites. Students selected by application.

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1.00 HPR
MXI 214
Chemistry of Wine
Schmitt P
03:10PM - 04:00PM
02:10PM - 03:50PM
Take CHE-221 (pre or co-requisite).
Immersion trip. Registration through instructor. DV1-277-03: The Chemistry of Wine. The Chemistry of Wine will explore the chemistry and technology of modern wine making and analysis. Primary literature and a wine chemistry text will form the core material for the course, with representative wine parings chosen to accompany each topic. The course will combine elements of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and analytical chemistry together with a basic study of geography, history, culture, and tasting protocols. Specifically, the course will explore i) how the chemical components of grapes and wine are influenced by terroir, climate, fermentation, and viticulture, ii) the structure/ properties of these compounds and how they are measured and quantified, and iii) how these compounds impact the taste, aroma, mouthfeel, longevity, and value of wine. This course has an immersion component to the University of California Davis and the Napa Valley wine region over Thanksgiving break 2019.

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1.00 QL
HAY 321
HAY 321