Conversion to Credit/No Credit Option
Students with fewer than 15 earned credits toward a Wabash degree have the option of converting as many as two courses total, and no more than one course in any semester, to grading on the basis of Conversion to Credit/No Credit (listed on the transcript as either “CC” or “NC”). Note: this option applies to courses, not credits.
A student exercising this option will receive a grade of CC for a course in which a grade of D or higher would normally be received; a grade of NC will be recorded in cases when an F would have been received. A grade of CC will earn credit toward graduation for a student and can be used in a course that meets distribution requirements. Neither the grade of CC nor the grade of NC will carry any value in computing the student’s GPA.
A student may exercise the CC/NC grading option for a full credit course after the start of the 7th week of the semester and until the deadline for withdrawing from the course with a W. A student may exercise the CC/NC grading option for a half-credit course after the start of the 4th week of the course and until the deadline for withdrawing from the course with a W.
A course grade of CC does not fulfill prerequisite requirements for other courses and does not meet requirements for a major or a minor. Grades of CC may be accepted as fulfillment of co-requisite requirements in a major at the discretion of academic departments or program committees.
Only one course with a grade of CC can be applied to a single distribution area in a student’s degree program. The following courses are not eligible for the CC/NC grading option: Freshman Tutorial (FRT-xxx); Freshman Colloquium/Enduring Questions (FRC-xxx); and ENG 101.
The decision to exercise the CC/NC grading option in a course is final and irreversible. The signature of the student’s advisor is required to exercise the CC/NC grading option.