Repeated Courses and Transcription of Grades
Any course at Wabash may be repeated at any time (with the exceptions of Freshman Tutorial and Freshman Colloquium/Enduring Questions) with the understanding that:
• The course must be repeated at Wabash.
• Course credits toward graduation are to be counted only once.
• When a student withdraws from the College, all currently registered courses will receive a mark of WD. This will remain permanently on the student’s record.
• The grade and credit of a repeated course will be counted in the grade point average of the semester in which it is repeated.
The previous grade, unless it is a WD, will be replaced by the word “Repeated” when the Registrar records the second final course grade. All WD grades will remain permanently on the student’s record.
If a course is being repeated and is dropped with a W, the grade originally earned is restored to the academic record. If, however, the original grade of the repeated course was a W, then both the original and any subsequent W will be recorded on the academic record.
Course work taken after graduating (such as student teaching in Education Studies) will appear as a separate entry in the transcript. This course work will in no way be reflected in the student’s undergraduate record.