Major in Hispanic Studies
Description of the Major
A major in Hispanic Studies at Wabash College provides students an interdisciplinary and integrative approach to the study of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), Latin America, and the Philippines. The major recognizes that the complexity and diversity of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula do not fall under the purview of any one academic department. This makes Hispanic Studies an interdisciplinary, liberal arts area of study.
Requirements for the Major
The Major in Hispanic Studies consists of 9 course credits distributed as described below. Note: students may not double count courses toward a Hispanic Studies major and
• a Spanish major
• a Spanish minor
• an MAS minor
From Spanish: 4 course credits
• SPA 201, Intermediate Spanish 1 (offered every semester)
• SPA 202, Intermediate Spanish 2 (offered every semester)
• SPA 301, Advanced Composition (offered every semester)
• SPA 312, Seminar in Hispanic Culture (offered every year)
From Other Departments: 4 course credits with an HSP designation
Four courses with substantial focus on Hispanic societies or culture drawn from the course list below.
Capstone: 1 course credit
An Hispanic Studies major’s senior seminar can be listed as either HIS 498 or SPA 401 or another course approved by the Oversight Committee, and will involve a substantial research project based in primary sources.
Comprehensive Exams
Written comps created and administered by qualified members of the Spanish and History Departments, or other appropriate departments. Orals will include a major examiner drawn from the same pool, perhaps chosen to follow the student’s choice of HIS 498, SPA 401 or another course as a capstone.
Oversight Committee
The Oversight Committee for the Major in Hispanic Studies consists of the chairs of Modern Languages, History, and a faculty member who teaches Latin American or Iberian content in another department appointed by the Dean of the College. The Committee will track students in the major, add and subtract courses from the list delineated below, and coordinate with faculty in all interested disciplines.