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Wabash Always Votes

Voting Matters

Wabash is dedicated to creating a community which thinks critically, acts responsibly, leads effectively, and lives humanely. As gentlemen of Wabash, students are called upon to be responsible citizens, and as such, voting is chief amongst those obligations. Voting is an extremely important civic duty as a U.S. citizen, and whether you choose to do so in Indiana or in your home state, Wabash Always Votes aims to ensure that all eligible voters in the Wabash community are able to cast their ballot either in-person or by mail.

2023 Key Dates:

  • National Voter Registration Day: September 19, 2023
  • Indiana Voter Registration Deadline:
    • Online registration: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
    • Mail-in applications must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, October 10, 2023
    • In-person applications must be submitted no later than Tuesday, October 10, 2023
  • Use to find the registration deadlines for all 50 states.
  • Indiana Absentee/Vote by Mail:
    • In Person: Indiana law requires counties to make in-person absentee voting available for 28-days before the election, ending at noon (local prevailing time), the date before the election. In addition, all Indiana counties must make in-person absentee voting available the two Saturdays immediately before the election.
    • Vote by Mail: In order to vote by mail in Indiana you must have a qualified reason to request a mail-in ballot. Requests for an absentee ballot must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., 12-days before the election.
  • Use to find the absentee ballot deadline for all 50 states.
  • General Election: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Register to Vote

There are no state-wide or federal elections this November. Your local municipalities, however, may have elections or ballot measurers, however.

State Register Online Register by Mail Verify Registration
Indiana Deadline:
29 days prior
Register Online
29 days prior
More Information
Look Up Registration
Florida Deadline:
28 days prior
Register Online
28 days prior
More Information
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Illinois Deadline:
16 days prior
Register Online
28 days prior
More Information
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Michigan Deadline:
15 days prior
Register Online
15 days prior
More Information
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Ohio Deadline:
30 days prior
Register Online
30 days prior
More Information
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Texas Deadline:
30 days prior
Register Online
30 days prior
More Information
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Other States Voter registration deadlines vary by state—but generally range from early to late October. Find out your state's deadline at

Voter registration requirements also vary by state. In order to register to vote online, you will most likely need to hold a valid state identification (driver's license, etc.) for the district in which you would register. Some states may also have residency requirements or other restrictions such as previous/current criminal history.

To register by mail, you may be required to submit proof of residency in the form of a current utility bill, bank statement, or government-issued document bearing your address.

Choose Your Voting Method

Individuals registered to vote in Montgomery County or within reasonable driving distance can vote in person. If your home is farther away or you are unable to vote in person on election day you may be eligible to vote by mail.

To identify your local polling location in Indiana, visit

State Early Voting Vote by Mail Vote by Mail Deadline
Indiana More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 12 days prior.
Ballot must be received by 6pm on Election Day.
Florida More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 10 days prior.
Ballot must be received by 7pm on Election Day.
Illinois More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 1-5 days prior.
Ballot must be postmarked by Election Day.
Michigan More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 1-4 days prior.
Ballot must be received by poll close on Election Day.
Ohio More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 3 days prior.
Ballot must be postmarked by one day prior to Election Day.
Texas More Information Absentee Ballot Application Apply by 3 days prior.
Ballot must be postmarked by one day prior to Election Day.
Other States Vote by mail deadlines vary by state.
Find out your state’s deadline at

Get Election Reminders

Don’t miss your opportunity to cast a ballot in an election. Sign up for Election Reminders through

Who’s on Your Ballot?

Use to determine which races and candidates you will be voting on based on the home address associated with your voter registration. Ballotpedia can also provide you with information regarding candidates’ chief financial donors and links to their websites and social media accounts.

Your local newspaper or League of Women Voters chaper often provides candidate profiles and platform information to assist in making an informed decision at the polls.

Quick Links

Residency Rights of College Students

College students may only register to vote in one of two places:

  1. The address where you live while attending school; OR
  2. The address where you live while not attending school.

If you wish to register in Montgomery County, please contact Michael Lynn to request a Proof of Campus Residency.

If you previously registered to vote in another location, you may need to contact that state/county to ensure you are removed from that district's rolls.

Need Help?

If you have questions or concerns about how to register to vote or request a ballot by mail, you can contact Vic Lindsay for assistance.

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