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Disability Services | Student Life

Disability Services

The goal of Disability Services is to ensure that all Wabash Men have the support they need regarding any sort of disability--including illness and injury.

Disability Services are most helpful when students identify their needs before they begin classes. Wabash, like all colleges and universities, requires documentation of a disability if a student is to receive accommodation for his disability. The documentation is kept on file in the office of Disability Services and is confidential. It is the decision of the student whether or not to request accommodation, and it is his responsibility to provide acceptable documentation and notify the relevant staff members of his condition and of his desire for accommodation(s).

It is helpful for a student's advisor and professors to be aware of your learning differences. Please contact Heather Thrush, Associate Dean for Student Engagement and Success, in the Armory to arrange a meeting and discuss how Disability Services can help you excel at Wabash.

To apply for services, please login to the Student Health Portal and click on the Accommodations Tab.

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