PHI 109 Perspectives on Philosophy
A course in some selected philosophical topic or range of topics designed to provide an example of philosophical reflection and inquiry.
No prerequisite and not open to junior or senior majors without permission of the instructor.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 110 Philosophical Ethics
Thought about what is good, what is right, and what ought to be done pervades our lives. Philosophy can contribute to this thought by providing ways of organizing it and reflecting on it critically—which is done in this course using both historical and contemporary sources. Offered in the fall semester.
Credits: 1
PHI 140 Philosophy of the Classical Period
A survey of the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, adn the Hellenistic philosophers. Topics include the Greek understanding of the nature of the universe, the possibilities of human reason, and the relation of individual and society. Lectures provide some historical background but concentrate on analysis of assigned readings. Offered in the fall semester.
Credits: 1
PHI 144 Introduction to Existentialism
An introduction to some of the primary existentialist texts of the 19th and 20th centuries, including works of fiction, philosophy, and psychology from such writers as Kierkegaard, Dostoyevski, Nietzsche, Camus, Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Jaspers.
Credits: 1
PHI 213 Philosophy of Law
An introduction to philosophical issues concerning the analysis of legal concepts and the moral justification of the law. Typical issues include the nature of law and its relation to morality, the grounds for criminalization, the justification of punishment, and the moral basis of liability rules. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 219 Topics in Ethics and Social Philosophy
Seminar discussion of a topic or area in ethical theory, applied ethics, or social and political philosophy. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 220 Aesthetics
A survey of work in the philosophy of art both prior to and during the 20th century. Topics considered include the concept of art and a work of art, the relation between art and truth, the objectivity of aesthetic evaluation, the nature of representation, and issues concerning meaning and interpretation.
Credits: 1
PHI 242 [Old 142] Foundations of Modern Philsophy
Readings and discussion of the classical modern philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries, focusing on questions such as scientific method and the possibility of knowledge, the nature of reality, ethics and the relation of the individual to society, and the existence of God. Readings from among Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, and Rousseau. Offered in the spring semester.
Credits: 1
PHI 249 Topics in the History of Philosophy
Seminar discussion of a historical period, figure or topic. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 269 Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology
Seminar discussion of a topic or area in metaphysics or the theory of knowledge. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 270 Elementary Symbolic Logic
An introduction to the principles of deductive logic for connectives (“and”, “not,” “or,” “if”) and quantifiers (“all,” “some”). Attention is given to the logical structure of English sentences and its representation in symbolic notation and to formal proofs establishing the logical properties and relations of sentences.
Credits: 1
PHI 272 Philosophy of Science
An introduction to philosophical issues concerning the logical structure and historical development of natural science. Among the issues considered will be the relations among theory, observation, and experiment; the reality of theoretical entities; and the significance of scientific revolutions.
Credits: 1
PHI 279 Topics in Logic and the Philosophy of Science
Additional topics in formal or informal logic or the philosophical study of science and its historical development.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 287 Independent Study
Open to students with consent of the department chair. Independent Studies at a more advanced level will be numbered 387 or 388. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 288 Independent Study
Open to students with consent of the department chair. Independent Studies at a more advanced level will be numbered 387 or 388. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 299 Special Topics in Philosophy
A course in some selected philosophical topic. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 319 Seminar in Ethics and Social Philosophy
Seminar discussion at a more advanced level of a topic or area in ethical theory, applied ethics, or social and political philosophy. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite, if any, will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 345 20th Century Continental Philosophy
A survey of phenomenology and existential philosophy and of the variety of contemporary European philosophy that is heir to these trends. Primary texts will be selected from Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Marcuse, Derrida, Foucault, and others. Offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: Philosophy 140 and 242 (old 142) or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1/2
PHI 346 Analytic Philosophy
A survey of 20th century philosophy in the analytic tradition. Readings from figures and schools such as Russell, Wittgenstein, logical positivism, ordinary language philosophy, Quine, and Kripke. Offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisite: Philosophy 242 (old 142) and 270 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1/2
PHI 349 Seminar in the History of Philosophy
Seminar discussion at a more advanced level of a historical period, figure or topic. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 369 Seminar in Metaphysics and Epistemology
Seminar discussion at a more advanced level of a topic or area in metaphysics or the theory of knowledge. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 379 Seminar in Logic and Philosophy of Science
Additional topics in formal or informal logic of the philosophical study of science and its historical development offered at a more advanced level. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 387 Independent Study
Open to students with consent of the department chair. Independent studies at a less advanced level will be numbered 287 or 288. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 388 Independent Study
Open to students with consent of the department chair. Independent studies at a less advanced level will be numbered 287 or 288. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 399 Proseminar
An advanced course in some selected philosophical topic. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite will depend on the topic in a given year.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
PHI 449 Senior Seminar
A detailed study of a major philosopher or philosophical topic. Required of majors and open to other students. Normally taken in the fall of the senior year. Offered in the fall semester.
Credits: 1
PHI 489 Senior Research
An independent study based on previous work leading to a major paper that will be presented for public discussioin. Normally taken in the spring semester of the senior year.
Credits: 1/2