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Title: Internatnl Political Economy
Course Section Number: PPE-330-01
Department: Philosophy, Politics, Economic
Description: FACE TO FACE COURSE. NOT AVAILABLE TO VIRTUAL LEARNERS. PSC-340-01=PPE-330-01 International Political Economy This course will introduce students to the study of international economic relations and the relationship between political and economic behavior and decision-making. Under this broad umbrella, we will examine a number of issue areas, such as trade and financial flows, monetary and fiscal policy, growth and global inequality, and economic crises. At the conclusion of the course, students will possess an understanding of 1) how domestic political institutions and partisan incentives shape international economic policy and outcomes, 2) how international economic flows influence domestic policymaking, and 3) how international economic institutions affect economic policy and outcomes. Prerequisites: PSC-141
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: January 25, 2021
End Date: May 11, 2021
Meeting Information:
01/25/2021-05/03/2021 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:15AM - 12:05PM, Baxter Hall, Room 311
Faculty: Wells, Matthew
Requisite Courses: Take PSC-141

Course Status & Cross-Listings

Cross-list Group Capacity: 12
Cross-list Group Student Count: 12
Calculated Course Status: CLOSED
Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
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