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Crawford Tells Students to Take Advantage of Wabash

Director of Career Services Scott Crawford told the Wabash community in his Thursday Chapel Talk to essentially not follow his path through college.

With a mixture of slides and self-deprecating humor, Crawford talked about his 10 years of undergraduate study and the things he did and did not learn along the way.
“I did nothing right,” he told the Chapel audience. “In short, I didn’t bring it. Bring it means being your best. It took me an entire decade to graduate with my degree.
“I kept having to make new friends because my friends kept graduating.”
Crawford declared 26 different majors through his college career until he was kicked out of the University of Arkansas. Realizing he was dismissed from a state institution became an epiphany that it was time to approach life more seriously.
The point of his Chapel talk then became four simple guidelines for success. First, go to class and participate, something Crawford seldom did in his early years in college. Second, get involved and take advantage of everything.
Crawford spent considerable time on his second point telling the young men a small college like Wabash offers endless opportunities for involvement outside the classroom.
Third, he said, was take advice and learn from other people. “If you’re ignoring the College’s resources, then you’re not taking full advantage,” he suggested.
The fourth piece of advice was to not give up. “I was kicked out of the University of Arkansas so I decided to fight. He took correspondence courses and petitioned for re-entry and eventually graduated before moving on to get his masters.

Watch full Crawford Chapel Talk below:


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