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Andrew Stewart Gives Classic Lecture Tonight

The Wabash College Classics Department will host Andrew Stewart, an expert on ancient Greek studies, for a talk at 8 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, in Lovell Lecture Room (101), Baxter Hall. The title of his talk is “Designing Women: The Hetaira as Model from Phintias to Praxiteles.”
Stewart is the world’s leading authority on ancient Greek sculpture and a prominent interpreter of many aspects of Greek art and culture.
Stewart is the Nicholas C. Petris Professor of Greek Studies, History of Art and Classics at University of California-Berkeley and received the Distinguished Teaching Award for teaching excellence in 2009. He is also co-curator of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology at UC-Berkeley. He was a co-director of the excavations in Tel Dor, Israel, for many years.
His talk is free and open to the public. A reception will follow his talk. 

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