Currently viewing 2013-14 bulletin
Division II Courses
In addition to departmental majors, the Division offers a joint major in the Humanities and Fine Arts, which the student should declare by the end of the sophomore year. The Division Chair will appoint a committee to supervise the Humanities major, taking into consideration the student’s suggestions for membership. In the first semester of his junior year, the student must submit to his committee a written proposal for a project in the Humanities and Fine Arts, which will be completed, along with his course of study, by the end of the first semester of the senior year. A full statement of this program is available from the Division Chair.
HUM 122 Studies in Language: Modern Linguistics (ENG 122)
An introduction to the basic principles and methods of linguistic analysis, with emphasis on Modern English grammar. This course is offered in the second half of the fall semester.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1/2
HUM 121 Studies in Language: Language Variation and Change (ENG 121)
This continuation of HUM 122 will deal with the social phenomena of language, including language acquisition, social and regional variation, and language change over time.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1/2
HUM 196 Religion and Literature (REL 196)
An examination of literary works dealing with religious themes. Authors covered will vary from year to year.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
HUM 277 Special Topics in Humanities: Literature
Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1
HUM 278 Special Topics in Humanities: Language
Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1
HUM 296 Religion and Literature (REL 296)
A study of religious themes and theological issues in literary works.
Prerequisites: Vary with topic.
Credits: 1 or 1/2