Course Descriptions—Language Studies
GRK 101 Beginning Greek
This course includes the study of elementary grammar, the reading of selected pieces of Greek literature, and a general introduction to the literature and civilization of ancient Greece. Four recitations each week. Offered fall semesters.
Prerequisite: None.
Credits: 1
GRK 102 Beginning Greek
This course includes the study of elementary grammar, the reading of selected pieces of Greek literature, and a general introduction to the literature and civilization of ancient Greece. Four recitations each week. Offered spring semesters.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of GRK 101.
Credits: 1
GRK 330 Greek Composition
A systematic review and study of fundamental Greek forms and constructions with practice in writing Greek sentences. Offered by arrangement.
Prerequisites: GRK 101, 102.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
Course Descriptions—Literature and Fine Arts
GRK 201 Intermediate Greek
The choice of readings is adapted to the needs and the desires of the class. We will read selections from Lysias’ speeches and other appropriate works. The emphasis will be on developing facility in reading Greek. Offered fall semesters.
Prerequisites: GRK 101, 102.
Credits: 1
GRK 210 New Testament Greek
Selected readings in the New Testament. One-half or one course credit by arrangement. Offered by arrangement. Course may be repeated as topic changes.
Prerequisites: GRK 101, 102.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
GRK 301 Advanced Greek: Poetry
Selections to suit the needs and interests of the class will be made from the Greek poets and dramatists. The material will be varied from year to year and the course may be elected more than once. Offered spring semesters.
Prerequisite: GRK 201
Credits: 1 or 1/2
GRK 302 Advanced Greek: Prose
Selections to suit the needs and interests of the class will be made from Greek history, oratory, and philosophy. The material will be varied from year to year and the course may be elected more than once. Offered fall semesters.
Prerequisite: GRK 201.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
GRK 303 Advanced Greek: Homer
Selections to suit the needs and interests of the class will be made from Homer’s Iliad or Odyssey. The material will be varied from year to year and the course may be elected more than once. This course is offered in the spring semester, when offered.
Prerequisite: GRK 201
Credits: 1
GRK 387 Independent Study
Students desiring to perform independent study in Greek (specialized work in an author, period or genre) should plan this work with the instructor who will supervise the project. This course is offered by arrangement.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
GRK 388 Independent Study
Students desiring to perform independent study in Greek (specialized work in an author, period or genre) should plan this work with the instructor who will supervise the project. This course is offered by arrangement.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
GRK 400 Focused Discussion of a Topic and Senior Reading
A seminar on a selected topic with a long paper directed by a member of the department. The paper is to be presented at a Classics Colloquium during the senior year. Offered spring semesters.
Prerequisite: None.
Credits: 1