MAT 010 Pre-calculus with an Introduction to Calculus I
This course is intended solely for those students who wish to take calculus, but whose preparation makes a slower-paced course in calculus advisable. Topics covered include a review of algebra (solving equations and inequalities, simplification of algebraic expressions), properties of polynomials and rational functions, limits, continuity, an introduction to derivatives via polynomials and rational functions, and applications of the derivative. Mathematics 010 can not be used for any distribution credit. For students who desire a distribution credit in mathematics but do not wish to take calculus, Mathematics 106, 107, and 108 are recommended. This course is fall semester.
Prerequisite: Admission by department placement only.
Credits: 1
MAT 106 Topics in Contemporary Mathematics
A reflective examination of basic mathematical ideas. Through participation and discovery, students will consider an articulation of mathematics that focuses on patterns, abstraction, and inquiry. Topics will vary, but could include logic, Euclidean geometry, algorithms, etc. This course does not count towards the major or minor in mathematics.
No prerequisite.
Credits: 1
MAT 107 Statistics: Concepts and Controversies
Introductory—The course introduces statistics as a liberal arts discipline. It focuses on statistical ideas and their relevance to public policy and to the sciences, from medicine to sociology. The emphasis is on statistical reasoning, rather than statistical theory. The course covers reliable data generation, data summarization, and the classical approach to drawing conclusions from data (statistical inference). This course does not count towards the major or minor in mathematics. This course is offered irregularly.
Credits: 1
MAT 108 Introduction to Discrete Structures
Introductory—An introduction to discrete mathematics for students not planning to major in mathematics. Topics include sets and logic, proof methods, counting arguments, recurrence relations, graphs, and trees. This course may be used to meet the mathematics requirement for the computer science minor. However, it does not count toward the mathematics major or minor. Students may not present both mathematics 108 and 219 for credit toward graduation. This course is offered in the fall semester. This course does not count toward the major or minor in mathematics.
Prerequisite: Good background in high school mathematics.
Credits: 1
MAT 110 Calculus I with Pre-calculus Review
Introductory–This course is intended solely for those students who took and passed Mathematics 010 and desire to complete a course in calculus. Successful completion of this course is equivalent to completion of Mathematics 111. Topics covered include an introduction to integration via polynomials and rational functions, applications of the integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and introduction to exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, and the application of the derivative and integral to these families of functions. The focus is on understanding basic concepts and gaining basic computational skills. This course counts as a distribution credit in mathematics. Credit cannot be given for both Mathematics 110 and Mathematics 111. This course is offered in the spring semester
Prerequisite: Mathematics 010
Credits: 1
MAT 111 Calculus I
Introductory—Basic calculus of one variable from an intuitive point of view. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives and integrals of the elementary functions, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and applications. The focus is on understanding basic concepts and gaining basic computational skills.
Prerequisite: Departmental placement examination.
Credits: 1
MAT 112 Calculus II
Introductory—A continuation of Mathematics 111. Numerical and symbolic techniques of integration, applications of integration, an introduction to partial derivatives and multiple integrals, sequences and series, and Taylor’s Theorem.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 110 or 111, departmental placement examination, AP examination, or permission of the department.
Credits: 1
MAT 217 Introduction to Statistics
Intermediate—A first course in statistics that covers techniques for summarizing data probability, random variables, confidence intervals, and the classical approach to the testing of hypotheses, including z-tests on means and proportions for one and two groups, t-tests on means for one and two groups, F-tests on means for several groups, chi square goodness-of-fit tests, and some other nonparametric tests. A mathematical treatment is given for all the distributions involved in these standard tests. This course counts towards the mathematics minor and is particularly appropriate for students majoring in the natural or social sciences. It does not count towards the mathematics major. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 110 or 111 or equivalent.
Credits: 1
MAT 219 Combinatorics
Intermediate—This course is an introduction to combinatorial reasoning. Topics include graphs, circuits in graphs, graph coloring, trees, counting principles, generating functions, and recurrence relations. This course is offered in the spring semester, 2007-2008 and alternate years.
Prerequisite; Mathematics 223 or consent of instructor. Students may not present both Mathematics 108 and Mathematics 219 for credit towards graduation.
Credits: 1
MAT 221 Foundations of Geometry
Intermediate—A development of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries from a modern viewpoint. This course is offered in the spring semester, 2009-2010 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 112 or permission of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 222 Theory of Numbers
Intermediate—A study of elementary number theory. Topics include divisibility, congruences, properties of prime numbers, number theoretic functions, diophantine equations, and additional selected topics. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 112 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 223 Elementary Linear Algebra
Intermediate—An introduction to linear mathematics. Linear systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, bases and dimension, function spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inner products, and applications. An important aspect of the course is to introduce the student to abstract thinking and proofs.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 112, departmental placement examination, AP examination, or permission of the department.
Credits: 1
MAT 224 Elementary Differential Equations
Intermediate—Introduction to ordinary differential equations. Special solution techniques and some theory for first-order and linear equations including integrating factors, constant coefficients, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, power series solutions, Laplace transforms, and systems of differential equations, applications. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 112 and 223.
Credits: 1
MAT 225 Multivariable Calculus
Intermediate—Calculus in higher dimensions. Limits, continuity, differentiability, directional derivatives, constrained and unconstrained optimization, geometry of curves, multiple integrals, general coordinate systems, path and surface integrals, vector calculus, theorems of Green and Stokes, applications. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 112 and 223.
Credits: 1
MAT 226 Operations Research
Intermediate—Linear and nonlinear optimization, linear programming, integer programming, duality, combinatorics, the simplex method and related algorithms, game theory, Markov chains, queuing theory. This course is offered in the spring semester, 2008-2009 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 227 Probability and Statistics I
Intermediate—General theory and application of probability and statistics, including probability for finite sample spaces, discrete and continuous distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, mathematical expectation, variance, moment-generating functions, functions of random variables, the Central Limit Theorem, sampling distributions, the methods of estimation and their application, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 112.
Credits: 1
MAT 228 Probability and Statistics II
Intermediate—General theory and application of probability and statistics, including probability for finite sample spaces, discrete and continuous distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, mathematical expectation, variance, moment-generating functions, functions of random variables, the Central Limit Theorem, sampling distributions, the methods of estimation and their application, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 227.
Credits: 1
MAT 314 Modeling with Differential Equations
Advanced—A course to develop the basic skills of formulation, simplification, and analysis of mathematical models for describing and predicting phenomena in the natural and social sciences, with special emphasis in modeling with differential equations. Topics may be taken from fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, and political science. This course is offered in the fall semester, 2008-2009 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 224.
Credits: 1
MAT 323 Topics in Linear Algebra
An in-depth study of some of the topics covered in Mathematics 223, including the theory of vector spaces, linear transformations, and Euclidean spaces, together with some additional topics, which may include isomorphisms, duality, canonical forms, and applications of linear algebra. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 324 Topics in Differential Equations
Advanced—A second course in differential equations, offering study of special topics in more depth or beyond those covered in Mathematics 224. Topics may include existence and uniqueness theory, stability theory, Green’s functions, dynamical systems, partial differential equations, and applications of differential equations. This course is offered in the fall semester, 2009-2010 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 224 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 331 Abstract Algebra I
Advanced—A first course in higher abstract mathematics. Emphasis is placed on writing proofs. Topics include groups, rings, fields, and modules. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 332 Abstract Algebra II
Advanced—A first course in higher abstract mathematics. Emphasis is placed on writing proofs. Topics include groups, rings, fields, and modules. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 331.
Credits: 1
MAT 333 Introduction to Functions of a Real Variable I
Advanced—A first course in the foundations of modern analysis. Topics include set theory, the real numbers, the topology of Cartesian spaces, convergence, continuous functions, sequences of continuous functions, the Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem, differentiation, integration, and infinite series. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223.
Credits: 1
MAT 334 Introduction to Functions of a Real Variable II
Advanced—A first course in the foundations of modern analysis. Topics include set theory, the real numbers, the topology of Cartesian spaces, convergence, continuous functions, sequences of continuous functions, the Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem, differentiation, integration, and infinite series. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 333.
Credits: 1
MAT 337 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
(CSC 337)
Advanced—This course will address topics such as numerical solution of non-linear equations in one variable, interpolation, approximation, differentiation, integration, difference equations, differential equations and their applications, boundary value problems, linear systems, matrices, and optimization. This course is offered in the fall semester, 2008-2009 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 338 Topics in Computational Mathematics
(CSC 338)
Advanced—A course to develop mathematical and computational techniques in areas of mathematics or interdisciplinary study in which computation plays a central and essential role. Topics vary by semester but may include computational geometry, computer algebra, scientific computing, and symbolic computation. This course is offered in the fall semester, 2009-2010 and alternate years.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 111.
Credits: 1
MAT 341 Topology
Advanced—A study of elementary topology. Topics discussed will include topologies, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness, continuity, and metric spaces. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 344 Complex Analysis
Advanced — Analytic functions, mapping of elementary functions, integrals, residue theory, conformal mapping. This course is irregularly offered.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 223 or consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1
MAT 377 Special Topics in Mathematics
This course is designed for the treatment of material outside the regular offerings of the department. For a given semester the course content and other particulars will be announced before advance registration for that semester. Offered irregularly. Level varies, will be announced with course description the semester it is offered.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
MAT 387 Independent Study
Directed reading and research on special topics for qualified students. May be repeated for credit. Level varies (intermediate or advanced), determined in consultation with instructor.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
MAT 388 Independent Study
Directed reading and research on special topics for qualified students. May be repeated for credit. Level varies (intermediate or advanced), determined in consultation with instructor.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
MAT 400 Seminar
Advanced — Topics in the history and foundations of mathematics, the special emphasis varying from year to year. Every student will be expected to write a term paper. Usually taken by mathematics majors in the spring semester of the senior year. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Admission in other cases is by permission of the department chair.
Credits: 1/2