Course Descriptions—Language Studies
FRE 101 Elementary French
The student with little or no previous training in French will get a grounding in the language and some understanding of the culture. Successful completion of the course means that one will be able to understand and respond to common conversational situations, read straightforward prose, and write simple but correct French. French 101 is taught in the fall semester; French 102 in the spring semester.
Credits: 1
FRE 102 Elementary French
The student with little or no previous training in French will get a grounding in the language and some understanding of the culture. Successful completion of the course means that one will be able to understand and respond to common conversational situations, read straightforward prose, and write simple but correct French. French 101 is taught in the fall semester; French 102 in the spring semester.
Successful completion of French 101 is a prerequisite for French 102.
Credits: 1
FRE 176 Special Topics in French Language
These courses treat topics in French language. Conducted in French.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
FRE 201 Intermediate French
A thorough review of the fundamentals of the language. Concentration will be on continued growth in the active use of the language: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will read French texts that will reinforce the study of the language and the observation of the culture. Particular attention will be given to improving self-expression in French beyond the rudimentary level. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: French 102 or placement by examination.
Credits: 1
FRE 202 French Language and Culture
This course focuses on the active use of French. Its goals are to develop the student’s command of French through guided practice in the use of the language and to increase his understanding of Francophone culture as reflected in the French language and life in the Francophone world. Required for majors. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisite: French 201 or consent of the instructor and the department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 276 Special Topics in French Language
These courses treat topics in French language. Conducted in French.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
FRE 301 French Conversation and Composition
This course focuses on the continued development of the student’s command of the French language and his understanding of Francophone culture, with an emphasis on speaking and writing. The course may include materials both written and spoken from a variety of sources. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: French 202 or consent of the instructor and the department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 376 Special Topics in French Language
These courses treat topics in French language. Conducted in French.
Credits: 1
Course Descriptions—Literature and Culture
FRE 302 Introduction to Literature
This first course in the study of literature examines the workings of literature: style, form, structure, genre, symbolism, allusion, and metaphor. Introduction to the lexicon of literary criticism and the principles of literary theory. Required of majors. This course is offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisite: French 301 or consent of the instructor and the department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 303 Studies in French Literature
A study of shorter prose works of moderate difficulty, drama, and poetry, of representative of French speaking authors from the 18th through the 20th century. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: French 302.
Credits: 1
FRE 304 History of French Literature and Culture: Middle Ages and Renaissance
A survey of French literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, with particular emphasis on the Chanson de Roland, medieval poetry, and such authors as Rabelais, the Pléiade poets, and Montaigne. Texts will be read in modernized French versions where appropriate.
Prerequisite: French 302.
Credits: 1
FRE 305 History of French Literature and Culture: Classicism
A survey of French literature of the Classical period (17th Century), emphasizing such authors as Racine, Corneille, Molière, La Fontaine, and Madame de LaFayette. One or one-half course credit.
Prerequisite: French 302.
Credits: 1
FRE 306 History of French Literature and Culture: Enlightenment and Romanticism
French literature of the Enlightenment and of French Romanticism, emphasizing such authors as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, the Romantic poets, Constant, Nerval, Hugo, and Balzac. One or one-half course credit.
Prerequisite: French 302.
Credits: 1
FRE 307 History of French Literature and Culture: French Literature Since 1850
French literature since 1850, emphasizing such authors as Flaubert, Maupassant, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Gide, Proust, Sartre, and Camus. One or one-half course credit.
Prerequisite: French 302.
Credits: 1
FRE 401 Senior Seminar in French
Special written and oral work for seniors returning from study in a French-speaking country and for those seniors with a comparable level of preparation. Vocabulary-building and refinement of oral and written expression. This course assumes a background in literary analysis and interpretation, as well as a good command of spoken and written French. Required for majors. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Prerequisite: Senior status.
Credits: 1
FRE 177 Special Topics in French Literature and Culture
These courses treat topics in French language, literature, or culture. Conducted in French. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1
FRE 187 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 188 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 277 Special Topics in French Literature and Culture
These courses treat topics in French language, literature, or culture. Conducted in French. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1
FRE 287 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 288 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 377 Special Topics in French Literature and Culture
These courses treat topics in French language, literature, or culture. Conducted in French. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1
FRE 387 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 388 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1
FRE 476 Special Topics in French Language
These courses treat topics in French Language. Conducted in French.
Credits: 1 or 1/2
FRE 477 Special Topics in French Literature and Culture
These courses treat topics in French language, literature, or culture. Conducted in French. One-half or one course credit.
Credits: 1
FRE 487 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair
Credits: 1
FRE 488 Independent Study in French
Topics in literature, language, and culture chosen in consultation with the instructor, discussed in tutorial sessions. Students who plan to do independent study are expected to consult with the faculty member and to submit their proposals well in advance of the beginning of the semester in which they will do the work. One-half or one course credit.
Prerequisite: approval of instructor and department chair.
Credits: 1/2