Currently viewing 2008-09 bulletin
Faculty: M. Pittard (chair), R. Burgess#, D. Butler, T. Turner-Vorbeck
Indiana Teacher Licensing Requirements for Adolescent and Young Adult License
The mission of the teaching program reflects the College mission. The program is designed to encourage reflection about teaching from a sound basis in the liberal arts. Specifically, it is the mission of the program to help educate teachers who remain knowledgeable in their field and are able to communicate knowledge to adolescents effectively, are able to ponder the complex missions of education and are sensitive to the diverse population they serve, work creatively with students of varied motivational levels within the complex social environments of the classroom, can energize students and colleagues for individual improvement and systematic educational change, can bring a fresh perspective to the classroom for the sake of a productive and operative tension in the workplace, and are creative problem-solvers in their disciplines and in their approaches to education. Such students become liberally educated professionals in education.
Students planning to enter the Teacher Education Program should follow the general education and subject area or content requirements for the academic year in which they enrolled. General education and subject area or content requirements have been changed to meet new standards and assessments and those described in this Academic Bulletin apply. All education classes now listed apply to those in the program currently as well.
A student who is fully admitted to Teacher Education should have completed Psychology 101, Education 101, and is advised to take Education 201 during the sophomore year, and should meet the following requirements by the end of his sophomore year:
1. Be a rising junior.
2. Have attained a 2.50 GPA.
3. Maintained a grade of C or better in each course in the major that is required by the teaching program and in all education courses.
4. Received a recommendation from the Dean of Students based on satisfactory college citizenship.
5. Passed the PPST Tests required for program entry (Praxis I).
6. Submitted an acceptable admission portfolio for program entry.
To be retained the student must continue to meet the standards described in items 2, 3, 4, 5 above. At the end of the first junior semester, he should have completed Education 201 if not already taken.
To be accepted for student teaching, a student must have completed Education 302 with a grade of C or better, and continued to maintain all preceding requirements along with completion of the Junior Report (a teaching analysis portfolio). To be retained during his senior year, he must (1) successfully complete Education 400 (or a comparable “Topics” course) and Education 401-07 (one of these); (2) continue to maintain all other Program requirements.
To become licensed to teach, a student must have; (1) completed remaining education and teaching major courses with the grade of C or better in each; (2) completed student teaching with recommendations for licensure from the Director of Teacher Education; (3) passed all Praxis II tests at the level required by the State of Indiana; (4) completed satisfactorily a program portfolio; (5) completed satisfactorily a Classroom-Based Research project; (6) attained CPR certification; (7) maintained all preceding requirements.
NOTE Regarding Advising: All students interested in education should be co-advised by an education faculty member. A student taking Education 101 must list the director or other education faculty as his co-advisor during pre-registration of the same semester. A student seeking admission to Teacher Education during the spring of his sophomore year must list an education faculty member as his co-advisor.
For more detailed information, students should see the Director of Teacher Education.
In addition to content requirements listed below, the Teacher Education Program specifies a number of General and Professional Education courses Psychology 101, Education 101, 201, 302, 400, 401-7 (one course). With these five credits students can earn the Area of Concentration in Teacher Education. Education 420 and 422 are the courses required for student teaching and equal 3 credits. In order to be licensed to teach in Indiana, students must successfully complete the Area of Concentration and complete an eleven week full-time practice teaching program during the spring semester of the senior year (Education 420 and Education 422), unless completing requirements under the Ninth Semester Option. Those interested in the Wabash Transition to Teach Program should contact the Director of Teacher Education for information on this option since the courses they take are slightly different from those listed above.
Wabash College teacher education program completers passed Title II required Indiana license tests with 100% passing rate on the Praxis I tests in the most recent year. For further information, please contact the Director of Teacher Education.
General Education
Candidates will meet the college distribution requirements in language studies, literature and fine arts, composition and quantitative literacy abilities, math and sciences distribution, and social science distribution along with C & T 201, and 202, foreign language requirements, and Freshman Tutorial requirements.
Within this requirement, the candidate will need to take: Rhetoric 101, or where appropriate and advisable, Theatre 105; an additional course beyond English 101 in prose writing (English 201, 213, 410, 411, or 413) if he received below a C in Freshman Composition or if he did not pass the writing section of the PRAXIS I exam on the first attempt. A psychology course in addition to Psychology 101 is strongly recommended for the secondary education pattern, especially courses such as Psychology 102, 211 (Cross-Cultural Psychology), 220, 222, 223, or 231.
Professional Education: Psychology 101, Education 101, 201, 302, 400, 401-7 (one course from these), 420, 422. In addition there are special topics in education, Education 230, 330, or 430 and independent study possibilities, Education 387, 388, 487, 488.
Subject Matter Majors: See requirements listed by division and department below.
Note: Language Arts teaching candidates may cross-list English 201, 410 and 411 as Education 201, 410, or 411.
Course | Title | Credits | Prerequisites |
EDU 101 | Introduction to Student Development | 1 | No prerequisite. |
EDU 201 | The American High School: A Social History Behind the Current Issues | 1 | No prerequisite. |
EDU 230 | Special Topics: Studies in Adolescent Literacy and Learning | 1/2 | Prerequisites: EDU 101, EDU 201 |
EDU 301-DV1 | Earth Space Science | 1 or 1/2 | Prerequisites: Major in a laboratory science, junior or senior standing, current or past enrollment in Education 201 or 302. |
EDU 302-DV1 302 | Earth, Space Science | 1 or 1/2 | Prerequisites: Major in a laboratory science, junior or senior standing, current or past enrollment in Education 201 or 302. |
EDU 302 | Teaching Adolescents in the High School | 1 | |
EDU 330 | Special Topics Studies in Urban Education | 1/2 | |
EDU 387 | Independent Study | 1 or 1/2 | |
EDU 388 | Independent Study | 1/2 | |
EDU 400 | Adolescent Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas | 1/2 | Prerequisites: PSY 101, EDU 101, EDU 201, EDU 302 and admission to the Teacher Education Program. |
EDU 401-407 | Special Methods in the Content Areas | 1/2 | Prerequisites: Psychology 101, Education 101, Education 201, 302, 400, senior standing and admission to the Teacher Education Program. |
EDU 407 | Teaching of Theatre | 1/2 | Prerequisites: PSY 101, EDU 101, EDU 201, 302, 400 (or comparable “Topics” course), senior standing and admission to the Teacher Education Program. |
EDU 420 | Content Pedagogy Seminar | 1/2 | Prerequisites: all previous courses in teacher education and acceptance to Student Teaching. |
EDU 421 | Student Teaching (used for Transition to Teach students only) | 2 | Prerequisite: All previous courses in Teacher Education and acceptance to student teaching |
EDU 422 | Student Teaching | 2 1/2 | Prerequisite: All previous education courses and admission to program and acceptance to student teaching. |
EDU 487 | Independent Study | 1 or 1/2 | |
EDU 488 | Independent Study | 1 or 1/2 |