ART 103 Greek Art and Archaeology
(CLA 103)
A consideration of the art and architecture of Greece from an archaeological and art historical point of view. The course will cover material from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Age. This course is not offered in 2008-2009.
No Prerequisite.
Credits: 1
Course Descriptions—Studio Art
ART 120 Introduction to Studio: 2-D Art Design
The course is designed to help the student learn to work with basic 2- dimensional concepts and their vocabulary. The course investigates the elements of design, studies the interaction of color, and introduces the students to freehand drawing. Projects will address conceptual and perceptual problems through a variety of media. This course is offered in the fall semester, 2008-2009.
No Prerequisite.
Credits: 1
ART 433 Senior Studio
Art majors focusing in studio must examine a specific visual theme or concept, develop the idea through his selected mediums, and install an exhibition of the results of that study. The exhibition may be a one-man or group exhibit, depending on the requirements of the project and the availability of exhibition space. One-half or one course credit, spring semester, 2008-2009.
Prerequisites: Art 330 or 331 and senior standing.
Credits: 1 or 1/2