Currently viewing 2007-08 bulletin
This division includes the Departments of Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, and the Teacher Education Program.
Faculty 2007-2008
Butler, M. (chair)
Aden, J.
Bankart, B.
Bankart, P.
Barreto, H.
Blaich, C.++
Bost, P.
Burgess, R.#
Burnette, J.
Butler, D.
Byun, C.
Gunther, K.
Hadley, D.
Himsel, S.#
Horton, R.*
Howland, F.
Mikek, P.
Mikesell, P.
Morillo, S.
Pittard, M.
Rhoades, M.
Richardson, S.#
Salisbury, T.
Schmitzer-Torbert, N.
Turner-Vorbeck, T.
Vasquez, J.
Warner, R.
Widdows, K.***
* Sabbatical leave, full year
*** Sabbatical leave, spring semester
++ Leave, Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts
# Parttime