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Academic Bulletin Division I Faculty - 2007-08

Currently viewing 2007-08 bulletin

This division includes the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics.

Faculty 2007-2008
Maharry, D. (chair)
Axtell, M.
Brown, J.
Burton, P.
Dallinger, R.
Feller, S.
Foote, R.
Frey, S.
Ingram, A.
Krause, D.
Krohne, D.
LePlae, P.
Madsen, M.
McColgin, M.
Munford, J.
Olsen, R.
Phillips, J.D.*
Poffald, E.***
Polley, L.D.*
Porter, L.
Sparks-Thissen, R.
Taylor, A.++
Thompson, P.
Turner, W.
Westphal, C.
Wetzel, E.

* Sabbatical leave, full year
*** Sabbatical leave, spring semester
++ McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Research Scholar, fall semester

Concentration in Division I: For requirements for the major or minor in the departments of Division I, see departmental listings.

Unless otherwise indicted, all courses in Division I are without prerequisite.

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