Spring Semester
FT 07-K The Making of Great Leaders-in Life and at Wabash
Michael Raters, Associate Dean of Students Wabash prides itself on producing leaders. But what makes a great Wabash leader, or, for that matter, any kind of great leader? What is leadership, and what makes one successful in that realm? How do, or should, we define "successful"? This tutorial will examine these questions and other by exploring leadership in general terms, then with a focus on Wabash leaders, and ultimately with an individualized development of a personal philosophy of leadership. We will study current trends in leadership, using such texts as Warren Bennis's On Becoming a Leader and Kenneth Blanchard's The Leadership Pill. Each student will also read a leadership text of his choice and a current biography (e.g., Rudy Giuliani's Leadership or Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope). As we turn our attention to Wabash history, we will read Wabash On My Mind and research some of Wabash's greatest on-campus leaders, like Mills and Trippet in the past, Bambrey and White in the present. We will also examine the leadership qualities of illustrious alumni, from Wallace and Marshall in the past to Allen and Barnette in the present. That research will manifest itself in both written and oral histories that may find permanent residence in the College's archives. Class activities will include oral reports, class discussions, research projects, interviews, field trips, and a final project involving a personal leadership philosophy.
Credits: 1