FT 07-N Meaning and Significance of Music in Folk Societies
James K. Makubuya, Department of Music This tutorial examines the global contextual meaning and significance of music in folk (or traditional) societies. A random sampling of the definition of the term "music" in the context of folk societies extends way beyond a basic dictionary definition. By examining folk society events from a variety of cultures, this tutorial will explore the defining characteristics of this global form of expression (music) in folk societies. Also, we will study the similarities and differences among the ways different societies use music as an essential ingredient of their life styles. The focus of the course will be the weekly listening, reading, and viewing assignments. This material is intended to pave the way for meaningful class discussions and oral presentations, as well as written analytic and research papers. In class, we will examine musical practices in terms of structure, performance, aesthetic values, contextual meaning, function and significance. We will also analyze and discuss cultural or societal events - including rituals, rites, and ceremonies - enhanced by musical performances. Thus, through these diverse reading and video and audio illustrations, the class will examine the multipurpose functions of folk music performances in different world cultures.
Credits: 1