The objective of this class is to develop the student's understanding of
art history. Through the analysis of a particular theme or topic, students
will gain a greater understanding of visual communication and its history.
Since the content of this course varies from year to year, it may be
repeated for credit upon the instructor’s approval. Examples of course
topics: Building for the Spirit; Religious Architecture from Antiquity to
the Present; Women in Art; The Image of Man; Monumentality; Introduction
to African Art, African American Art; The Art of the Ancient Americas; and
Latin American Art. This course is offered in the spring semster,
ART 225 Special Topics in Studio
Studies in Abstraction
This course will examine the various approaches used in the production and
understanding of abstract art ranging from analytical examination of the
physical world to nonobjective invention. Students will explore how line,
form, color, space, texture, emphasis, continuity and balance can become
the subject matter of abstract art. Students will also consider how one
discusses critcal issues of a work of art when that work is absent
traditional subject matter. This course is offered in the second half,
spring semester, 2006-2007.
Prerequisite: Any one of the following courses: Art 120, 122, or 209.
Credits: 1/2