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Academic Centers for Excellence

Welcome to the Academic Centers for Excellence

Our goal is to ensure that all Wabash Men have the resources they need to grow and excel while at Wabash College. We firmly believe that the very best Wabash Men are willing to seek assistance when they want to perform better and produce more sophisticated academic work. The Academic Centers for Excellence exists to help Wabash Men do their very best. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Koppelmann for further details.

The Writing Center

The Wabash College Writing Center is dedicated to giving writers high-quality feedback and comments on their work. We want the writer's thoughts and ideas to be clear and well supported. Located on the second floor of the Lilly Library, the Writing Consultants are trained to push for clarification and explanation, which builds solid, concise, clear papers.

The Writing Fellows Program

The Writing Fellows Program works closely with select faculty to embed a dedicated Writing Fellow into a course. This Writing Fellow will then meet multiple times with all of the students in the selected course, guiding the students through the composition, the revision, and the editing of their papers.

The Office of Student Enrichment

The Office of Student Enrichment, or OSE, offers Wabash Men one-on-one mentoring regarding time management, note taking, study skills, test preparation skills, test taking skills, use of sources, and general questions regarding how to succeed at Wabash College. The OSE also offers international students with English language skills and cultural adaptation. Students may visit the OSE once to get their semester planned, weekly to work more intensely on projects, or practically any other combination of visits.

Syllabus Statements

For your convenience, current syllabus statements for the Writing Center and the OSE are available online.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is structured, peer-led group study. SI sessions are facilitated by a Leader who has previously taken and done well in the course. The SI Leader does not go over homework; instead, he facilitates activities to promote mastery of the most difficult course material. This program is designed to give all students in the course additional ways of processing the course material and constructing new knowledge; is not a remedial or tutoring program. SI Session attendance is strictly voluntary and is anonymous from the professor. For questions about SI, please contact Vic Lindsay.

The Quantitative Skills Center (QSC)

The Quantitative Skills Center, or QSC, offers one-on-one peer tutoring for biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, or physics. The QSC is staffed by faculty-selected tutors who are ready to help Wabash Men refine their skills and answer their biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, or physics questions. For questions about the QSC, please contact Vic Lindsay.

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