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Title: The Divine Comedy
Course Section Number: ENG-109-01
Department: English
Description: FACE TO FACE COURSE. NOT AVAILABLE TO VIRTUAL LEARNERS. Travel with Dante through hell, purgatory, and the celestial sphere-and also deep into the world of Medieval Italy. Dante Alighieri's Divina Commedia (in English, The Divine Comedy), is an epic poem written by a man in crisis. Depressed and driven from his homeland, Dante dedicated a decade of his life to this work, seeking to find meaning in heartbreak, exile, and tragic loss. What is the narrator looking for? Himself. His first love. Home. Revenge. Salvation. God. Each of these answers is correct, yet none is sufficient. Along the way, the poem is unsparing, as it exposes the corruption of politicians, popes, priests, and commoners alike. On this literary journey, we will read about the people, places, beliefs, and questions that moved the spiritual seekers of the Middle Ages, and line them up against the questions that plague our own age. Past students in this course have been surprised and pleased by how Dante's search for moral and ethical clarity-and his boldness in speaking truth to power-has inspired them on their own journeys.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: January 25, 2021
End Date: May 11, 2021
Meeting Information:
01/25/2021-05/03/2021 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09:05AM - 09:55AM, Hays Science, Room 319
Faculty: Lamberton, Jill

Course Status

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