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Wabash Faculty Opportunities

Faculty Support Grants

One of the functions of The Stephenson Institute for Classical Liberalism is to provide financial support to individual faculty members, departments, and related organizations at Wabash College that seek to develop innovative teaching, research, and extracurricular programs that advance and promote the mission of the Institute.

Supported faculty and organizational work may be from any disciplinary perspective that directly addresses questions and topics related to individual liberty, personal responsibility, private property rights, and the intellectual history surrounding the normative and practical operations of a free society broadly construed and described on the “About Us” link on the Institute’s homepage.

The available support grants can vary in financial amount and the duration of work involved. Possible projects include, but are in no way limited the following: summer stipends to support funding for a research project, travel funds, visiting speakers, and/or designing and piloting a new student extracurricular opportunity. Funding allocation is intentionally open-ended to allow for and encourage innovative and experimental programming. Consistent with typical Wabash College practice, faculty stipends are generally only available for summer work. When in doubt please apply, all are welcome.

Proposals will be reviewed by The Stephenson Institute steering committee and director (committee members are eligible to apply but will not be involved in the review and discussion of their own proposals). The Dean of the College will be consulted about summer stipends and any projects that may impact academic programs. Applications are perpetually open and reviewed on a rolling basis (see note below specific to summer stipends). Awards are assigned based upon the general fitness of the proposal with regard to the Institute mission for as long as annual funds remain. Hence, priority is de facto given to earlier over later proposals until the following academic year when the funding pool is renewed.

Similar to last year, The Stephenson Institute summer stipends will provide faculty with one month of summer support to explore a personal research project or engage in course development on themes described herein. Any faculty person continuing at the College the following academic year is eligible to apply for summer stipend support. For full consideration, summer proposals should be submitted by March 15, 2024

At the conclusion of any supported project, recipient faculty will submit a brief report of work accomplished. Standard academic norms regarding acknowledgements of institutional support are the full responsibility of the requesting faculty member(s).

To apply for a faculty or department support grant, please send the following materials to

  1. Letter of request explaining the project title and description, including the duration, methodological approach (if applicable), and goals of the project, program, or event. The cover letter should clearly explain how the request relates and fits within the topical research themes of interest to the Stephenson Institute mission. Again, please refer to the “About Us” link on our homepage.
  2. Budget proposal that itemizes how various portions of funding will be spent and makes note of any additional funding support currently approved and or being sought after from other funding sources.
  3. Professional CVs of all Wabash college faculty involved in the proposed project.