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Scroll - The Wabash Institute of Theology for Youth

The Scroll summer institute will take place July 22-30, 2023, on the campus of Wabash College, focused on the theme of technology and its relationship to Christian theology and practice. See below and the nearby tabs for more information and an application.

Scroll is a summer institute for 15-17 year-old young men (rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors) that aims to deepen their theological understanding and its applicability to issues of public importance and to their own future endeavors.

Drawn from the image of Jesus unfurling the scroll of Isaiah in Luke 4, Scroll relies upon scripture and Christian theological traditions to encourage high school students to think deeply, critically, and theologically about vital matters in their lives and in the world around them.

Scroll Group Photo

Scroll entails an intensive eight-day learning experience on the Wabash College campus. Classroom instruction led by seasoned faculty will be enhanced by expert visitors drawn from Wabash alumni, and field trip and community service experiences will provide tangible opportunities to see and put into practice what we are learning.

Class time with Wabash Faculty Applications: We welcome applications from young men across the denominational spectrum and with a variety of career aspirations. We anticipate that some students may be contemplating the ministry, but others will be thinking of medicine, business, law, teaching, or any number of other callings. What is required is a desire to learn more about the Christian theological tradition and how it applies to important issues in our public and personal lives. 

Group Building ActivitiesCost: Through the generous support of the Lilly Endowment, there is no cost to attend Scroll. Expenses such as housing, food, books, and off-campus outings are paid for by the program. Additionally, in order to offset wages from summer jobs, each participating student will receive a stipend of $350.

Our goal is that Scroll will lead a select group of young men to regard their faith traditions as rich deposits upon which they can draw as they aim to lead lives of purpose, meaning, and service to the church, their communities, and the larger society.

Program Staff

Jon Baer

Jonathan Baer
Associate Professor of Religion 

Joy HarlosJoy Harlos
Communications and Events Coordinator

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