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Big Bash 2016 Comes to a Close

“This event is about friendships and coming back for Big Bash is always meaningful,” said Director of Alumni Relations Steve Hoffman ‘85. “Our guys share a lot of experiences while here as students, and you think you’ll stay in touch forever, but life happens. Whether you come back often or haven’t been back since graduation, Wabash is a great leveler. When you are here, you are with friends, and it’s fascinating to watch those relationships reignite at Big Bash.”

Activities kicked-off Friday morning with a golf scramble and ran through Sunday’s Big Bash Awards Brunch with colloquia sessions, great meals, spur-of-the-moment mini-reunions, and the ever-popular Alumni Chapel Sing sandwiched in between.

The Big Bash highlight is always the 50-year reunion celebrated during the Friday evening banquet. President Gregory D. Hess presented each 1966 graduate in attendance with a reunion medallion. The class gave back big—a record 75 percent of the class made gifts totaling $8 millions. The previous record was $5.5 million by the class of 1965.

One of the driving factors behind the attendance is the growing participation from younger alumni. Registration began Friday in Chadwick Court at 8 a.m. followed by the golf outing at 10 a.m.

Saturday opened with a morning fun run and walk, campus tours, more colloquia, and the legendary Alumni Chapel Sing in the Chapel. Each class held individual Saturday night dinners at locations throughout campus.

Twelve colloquia were presented by alumni, faculty, and staff throughout the weekend, featuring talks on student engagement in research and the community, international banking, and the growth of wineries and breweries. Those featured in this year's colloquia sessions included Karen Gunther, Brad Fewell '86, Kai Chin '71, Jay Williams '66, Jeremy Cage '86, Ryan Feeback '05, Sara Drury, Shamira Gelbman, Laura Wysocki, Chris Bly '06, Jake Koeneman '06, Michael Thorp '86, David Blix '70, Bill Cook '66, John Kerezy '77, and Stephen Pavy '81.

The weekend wrapped up Sunday morning with two religious services led by Fr. Michael Reding '86 and Rev. Bill Berry followed by the Big Bash Awards Brunch. Awards were presented to the Class of 1966 for highest percentage of class members in attendance, highest number of class members in attendance, Chapel Sing performance, and highest percentage of members making a gift to the Annual Fund so far this fiscal year. Class Agents Cal Black '66 and Jay Fisher '66 were presented with the Class Agent award. The Class of 2011 was presented with the award given to the 5, 10, or 15 year reunion with the largest number of alumni in attendance.

President Hess concluded the Awards Brunch and the 2016 Big Bash by reminding alumni they are always welcome to come home to Wabash.

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