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Student Research, Dreams Highlight Friday Activities

Patrick White will be inaugurated today as Wabash’s 15th president in the first official ceremony marking the College’s 175th anniversary. The ceremony in the Chapel is the centerpiece that makes up Inauguration Weekend. Yesterday student research and student dreams were celebrated.

Wabash students hosted the Whites and a VIP audience Friday night for the Celebrating the Dreams of Wabash Men dinner. Students on the Senior Council, led by Brett Gann, created the program, a mix of speeches and performances by the Jazz Combo and Glee Club. Bryce Chitwood and Josh Bellis have been involved in decorating Knowling Fieldhouse for the event, which starts at 6 p.m. Robert Van Kirk, head of the Cooking Club, designed the menu for the evening.

On Thursday evening, students and faculty in the fine arts hosted the Whites and their guests for a Celebration of the Arts at Wabash. The evening included performances by students and faculty in the areas of music, theater, visual art, creative writing, and film.

Hear the music of the Early American Vocal Ensemble and see photos from Thursday night's performance, here.

The inauguration weekend shifted gears Friday for the Seventh Annual Celebration of Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work, which honors the original intellectual pursuits of Wabash students.


The community is invited to a ceremony Saturday morning in Lilly Library when Andy Ford’s presidential portrait will be unveiled at 11:15 a.m. In keeping with a long-standing tradition, Trustees commissioned a painting of Wabash’s 14th president, which will eventually hang in the Chapel.

After a private inauguration luncheon, President White is expected to attend the basketball game at 1:00 p.m. when Wabash hosts Oberlin College. "The basketball game completes the overall theme of the weekend, which focuses on the breadth of the Wabash experience," said Amidon. "We will have begun with a celebration of the arts on Thursday, celebrated the intellectual achievements of our students on Friday, and we’ll root hard for the basketball team Saturday afternoon."

Pomp and pageantry will be on full display at 4:00 p.m. when the Inauguration Ceremony begins in the Chapel. Over 160 faculty members, trustees, college presidents, and delegates will march in full academic regalia to begin the proceedings.

Professor David Blix will perform on the organ, including an original composition by junior Chris Geggie. The Glee Club will sing two anthems during the ceremony, and lead the audience in singing alma mater to conclude the event.

During the ceremony, President White will receive greetings from the higher education community (John Bryant, Hofstra University); the alumni (NAWM President Jay Fisher); the student body (Kevin Pazour, past-president of the student body); and the faculty (English Professor Don Herring, who taught White when he was an undergraduate).

Professor Tim Lake will provide the invocation and benediction for the ceremony, while English Professor Marc Hudson will read an original poem he’s penned specifically for the inaugural.

The highlight of the ceremony will be President White’s inaugural address, which he has entitled "An Uncommon Dream."

Because of limited seating, tickets will be required to attend the ceremony in the Chapel. The ceremony will also be shown live on a closed circuit feed in Hays Hall Room 104.

The weekend concludes with the Inauguration Gala, at which the Whites will host the Wabash faculty and staff, their family and friends, and VIPs from Crawfordsville, the state of Indiana, and delegates from across the country.

In photos: On homepage: Knowling Fieldhouse slowly starts to fill for Friday night's student dinner. By the time the dinner was served, more than 600 student, guests, alumni, filled the Fieldhouse. Top left, a student and his date enjoy pre-meal conversation at Friday night's Celebration of Student Dreams. Top right, Steve Hernandez sings with Professor David Akombo. At left, President White with his son Paddy.

Friday night photos by Brock Johnson

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