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Photo Albums

Fall 2008 Photo Shoot Album One

a man in a classroom

David Blix is always animated, but he seemed especially so in his religion course studying the religions of Islam and Asia.

a group of people sitting at a table writing on paper

Students in Professor David Blix's class take notes trying to keep up with their professor.

a man and boy wearing safety goggles

Chemistry Professor gets up close and personal with his students in the lab. Wabash gets high marks for student-faculty engagement, and this is exactly why.

a group of students wearing safety goggles

Standing at the end of a long table in the chemistry lab provides the photographer a glimpse at how hard the students work at Wabash.

a few people wearing safety goggles

This is from the exact same location as the previous photograph, but shows a different level of concentration and focus.

a man wearing glasses and a striped shirt

Religion Professor Bob Royalty told me that he thought this image made him look stern — I found him to be anything but stern in his class studying religion in America. The professor was supportive and invited discussion from almost every student in the class.

a man writing on a paper

Professor Royalty asked his students for a "close" reading of the text they were studying.

a woman smiling with her hands together

When I made the schedule and confirmed it with Education Professor Deborah Butler, she said the class I intended to shoot had only two students. Great, I thought. When I got to Forest Hall — Wabash's first classroom — I found two professors and two students. Talk about a terrific student-faculty ratio!

a man in a red hat sitting next to another man in a red hat

The only students in Deborah Butler's teacher education class — a very intimate teaching and learning experience.

a man in a blue shirt

Theater Professor Michael Abbott clearly loves this class — his Freshman Tutorial on the narrative of video games.

a man sitting at a table

The freshman students in Professor Abbott's Tutorial were engaged, open, and honest — a terrific classrom dynamic.

a man pointing at something

Professor Mike Abbott.

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