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Homecoming Fun

a man standing in front of a group of people

Under beautiful skies, the Glee Club sang the National Anthem before Saturday's Homecoming game.

a woman wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses

Some times words just aren't necessary. But, there were winners to write about. The Phi Psi's won the annual overall Homecoming competition with Delta Tau Delta and the Theta Delts tying for second. The Theta Delts won Chapel Sing and Friday night's Chant. The Delts were best in the float competition. Fiji's presented the winning Queen contestant and the Phi Psi's were the banner winners.

a person wearing a wig and holding a ball over their head

And sometimes words just aren't a very good idea.

a man and woman playing guitar on a track

This Homecoming Queen contestant seems to need a shave.

a person in a garment

Let's go back to just NO words.

a woman in a garment on a sports field

Ladies and Gentlemen, representing the Fiji's - your 2008 Homecoming Queen winner.

a large piece of art

The Phi Psi's won the banner competition with this entry.

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