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Melvin Cookout

a group of people sitting at tables outside a building

A large group participated in Thursday's cookout to support Bill Melvin, a longtime Wabash food service worker. Melvin is battling cancer. The Wabash community raised at least $1,700 for the Melvin family. Photos by Howard Hewitt

a man in a red shirt eating a hot dog

It's important to get the burger stacked on the bun just right.

a group of people at a buffet

Bon Appetit furnished hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, potato salad, and drinks.

a group of young men eating at a picnic table

It's always important to get the ketchup right.

a couple of men sitting at a table eating

These guys seem to be enjoying the lunch.

a man in a suit eating a sandwich

Sphinx Club President Travis Janeway goes through the line. The Club helped promote the Thursday benefit.

a chef cooking burgers on a grill

Jason is working up some flame-broiled goodness.

a group of people standing around food

It was a great turnout, a great cause, and a beautiful day for a cookout on the mall.

a group of people at a buffet

Bill Cook and Jeff Oleck get things started at 11:45.

a man and a man eating at a table

Associate Dean Rick Warner, looking very professorial, chats it up with a freshman pledge.

a man and woman standing outside

Bon Appetit General Manager Mary Jo Arthur and District Manager Randy De Mers watch the lines swell for their long-time worker.

a group of men at a picnic

English Professor Tobey Herzon, Patrick McAlister '10, and Religion Professor David Blix check out the lunch options.

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