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Celebration of Student Research - April 16, 2021 - Album 1

a man wearing a mask and standing at a podium

Daniel Cuevas ’21 presents his independent study research 'The Essential Elements of Music Composition.'

a man wearing a mask

As part of his presentation, Daniel Cuevas ’21 showcased a performance of one of his compositions by an ensemble.

a man wearing a mask and a red bandana standing next to a table with food

Students gather for a quick snack between presentations.

a man wearing a mask

Liam Buckley's ’22 research focused on the linguistics behind gender hierarchies.

a man in a suit and mask standing in front of a projection screen

Liam Buckley's ’22 research focused on the linguistics behind gender hierarchies.

a group of people sitting at tables wearing face masks

Adam Berg ’22 asks a question during Liam Buckley's presentation.

a man wearing a face mask

To allow for more physical distancing, the poster session was held on the Mall. Isaiah McWilliams ’22 had the perfect backdrop for sharing his Spanish research.

a man wearing a face mask pointing at a sign

Isaiah McWilliams ’22

a man wearing a suit and tie pointing at a poster

Hayden Kammer ’24

a group of men wearing face masks standing in a grassy field

On the left, Andrew Rippy ’22 presents his physics research and on the right, Hayden Kammer ’24 his English and theater.

a man wearing a mask pointing at a poster

The focus of Calum Bailey's ’22 poster was mathematics and computer science.

a man wearing a red face mask and standing in a park

Eric Lakomek ’21 talks with Professor Anne Bost.

a group of people wearing face masks

Zachary Myers ’22 with his chemistry poster presentation.

a man pointing at a poster

Zachary Myers ’22 with his chemistry poster presentation.

a man wearing a red face mask

Paul Haesemeyer ’21 presents his original Haze Collection of fashions and textiles.

a woman wearing a face mask outside

Paul Haesemeyer ’21 presents his original Haze Collection of fashions and textiles.

a group of people standing in a line

Zachary Myers ’22 drew quite the crowd during his poster presentation.

a man wearing a face mask standing next to a man wearing a black mask

Andrew Freck ’21 discusses the Analysis of Capital's Effects on Immigration.

a group of people standing in a park

This edition of the Celebration of Student Research looked much different on the Mall.

a group of people in a park

This bench made for a nice, socially distanced vantage point.

a group of people wearing face masks

Canton Terry '21 explains a point from his presentation, 'Decision-Making and Dieting: Discerning the Predictive Factors of Successful Weight-Loss.'

a group of people outside by a window

A nice view from the second floor of Center Hall.

a man wearing a mask and sitting at a desk

Oral presentations were given in seven classrooms in six differnt buildings on campus, including here in Hays Hall.

a man wearing a mask

Joseph LaRue '21 delivered 'Coercive Administrative Rhetoric: Theories on Application and a Rhetorical Analysis of Donald Trump's June 1, 2020 Address' in Hays Hall.

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