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a sign above a building

The Pike Street Market is probably Seattle's best known "must see."

a group of flowers in a market

There were lots of flower vendors. Andrew Naugle '98 said yesterday that everything is much greener in the Northwest, the flowers are more vibrant in their color. I think he was right.

a bouquet of flowers in a wrapper

If you're carrying a camera, how can you not take this shot?

a busy street with cars and buildings

While the market is certainly a big tourist destination, it's also a big draw for locals. The fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood, baked goods and other products are bountiful. And, the locals tell me the biggest day is Sunday!

a market with various fruits and vegetables

I saw peas the size of small bananas and red raspberries big as your thumb! Ok, maybe not that big --- but big!

a large container ship in the water

I walked out behind the market to look at the Sound. Look carefully at the horizon in this pic, and despite a little morning haze, you can see the snow-capped peaks of the Olympic mountains.

a man standing behind a display of fish

There are several fish markets to buy fresh catch. And, they'll pack it up and ship fresh fish anywhere in the country. The famous Pike Place Fish Market stand, where they throw the big fish back and forth, wasn't realy busy. So I couldn't get any flying sockeye or trout. This is a different smaller vendor.

a coffee shop with a couple of people

Yes, this is the original Starbucks down in the market. It's an old store with a wooden floor and long wooden bar as the serving area.

a storefront with neon signs

For better or worse coffee is the city's cultural calling card. Tully's is a chain of some 60 stores based out of Seattle. But they do not extend beyond the west coast. A nice rich, full-bodied blend that would please about anyone.

a couple sitting in front of a store

I found this place just walking around the district. Cherry Street Coffee shop was what I had always imagined in Seattle. It was a small place, funky music, odd colors, free wi-fi, lots of young people, and alternative newspapers with ads I can't describe here - because I like my job. Only five locations - tiny by Seattle's standards!

a tall tower with a crane in the background with Space Needle in the background

Well, I had to take a picture of it - didn't I?

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