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4.10 Day of Giving On-campus

a man writing on a white board

Faculty, staff, and students were out early to show their support for Wabash on the 6th Day of Giving.

a group of people standing by a food truck

Donuts and coffee made it worth being out in the rain.

a couple of men holding coffee cups

Joey Lenke ’19 and Max Von Deylen ’19

a man in a red shirt

The best coffee on campus comes with a smile from Byron from 1832 Brew.

a person writing on a sign

Students were out early to show their support for Wabash on the 6th Day of Giving.

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop

Dean for College Advancement Michelle Janssen is set up at the mobile command center for the 6th Day of Giving.

a bunch of balloons in a library

Every corner of campus is encouraging people to Step Up for Wabash!

a couple of women looking at a laptop

Deb Woods and Pam Rager are ready to take gifts at the mobile command center in Lilly Library.

a man in a red shirt

Ryan Horner is keeping a close eye on Affinity Challenges - by 8:00 a.m. there were already 73 challenges!

a group of people working on laptops

Members of the Advancement team are contacting alumni and friends to Step Up for Wabash!

a man on the phone

Steve Hoffman talks with alum about his gift for the 6th Day of Giving.

a man in a red shirt

Annual Fund Director Aaron Selby is all smiles as the 6th Day of Giving gets underway.

a person wearing a red shirt with white text on it


a man in a red shirt using a laptop

Mike Warren monitors the numbers.

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