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Midnight Munch - Spring 2008

a couple of men in a kitchen

Deans of Pancakes --- Associate Dean of Students Mike Raters '85 and Dean of Advancement Joe Emmick '92 prepare pancakes for the annual Midnight Munch. Wabash students get a chance to take a break from final exams and have a free midnight snack served by members of the Wabash administration, faculty, and staff.

a pancake with fruit on it

Alien visitor? No, just a pancake-styled tribute to Walt Disney's favorite mouse.

a group of people in aprons

Utensils at the ready! Ginny Maharry, Richard Bowen, and Lon Porter wait for the students to arrive.

a man standing in a kitchen

The first students arrive.

a buffet line of food

The "Wabash Special" --- a little of everything.

a group of people standing in a cafeteria

Chip Timmons '96, Susan Albrecht, and Scott Crawford take care of another customer.

a group of men sitting around a table

Good food and good conversation provide a nice break on a Tuesday evening.

a group of people sitting around a table

The Sparks Center was packed.

a group of people standing in a line

Students worked their way through the line

a man writing on a paper

Horace Turner H' 76 tallies the total number of students attending the Midnight Munch.

a man in a white apron standing in a room with a group of people

The students honored retiring track and field coach Rob Johnson H' 77 with a standing ovation. Johnson returned the favor by leading the students in his familiar chant of "I am a Wabash man, and I know I can!"

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