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Photo Albums

Big Bash '16 Golf Scramble

a man playing golf on a golf course

Photos taken by Kolby Lopp '17

a group of men playing golf

Alumni practicing

a group of people looking at a table

The registration table

a man in a red shirt and white shorts holding a cup and smiling

Aaron Selby and another alumnus

a group of men in a golf cart

Alumni chatting

a group of men standing next to a golf cart

Alumni chatting

a group of men standing outside

Recent alums chatting

a group of men standing together

Listeing to their orders

a man driving a golf cart

Sitting and waiting

a group of men in golf carts

Sitting and waiting

a group of men in a golf cart

Sitting and waiting

a group of men in golf carts

Sitting and waiting

a group of men in golf carts

Sitting and waiting

a group of men on a golf course

Describing the dog leg of the hole

two men standing on a golf course

Aaron Selby and another alum

a man in a red shirt

All smiles

a man in a red shirt

Aaron Selby

a group of men playing golf

Alumni waiting

a pair of men in a golf cart

Happy Alumni

a group of men on a golf course

Sizing up the putt

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