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Honor Scholarship Weekend 2016 - Friday Afternoon

a man standing at a podium

President Gregory Hess formally welcomes prospective students and their families to Honor Scholarship Weekend 2016.

a group of people sitting in a room

Students from all over the country gather for a weekend to learn about the academics and brotherhood of Wabash College.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Joe Trebley '01, President and CEO of Monon Bioventures, described how Wabash taught him 'I always have another gear.'

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Jack Kellerman '18, Vice President of the Student Body said he chose Wabash because, 'I wanted to spend my four years of college preparing for the next forty years of my life.'

a man with a beard and hat

Noah Eppler '16 talked with prospective students prior to their first exam of the day.

a man holding a piece of paper

Prospective students spend part of Honor Scholarship Weekend taking exams in English, history, foreign languages, math, and science to compete for scholarship money. Full tuition scholarships are on line for some.

a man in a red tie holding a paper in front of a group of people

Tyler Wade '12, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions hands out material for the English exam.

a man holding a paper in front of a group of men

Admissions Counselor Patrick Kvachkoff '15, veteran of the stage in Ball Theater, takes on a new role as he leads prospective students through their first exam.

a woman sitting in a chair

Heather Thrush, Director of Student Engagement and Success answers parent questions during the Student Services panel session.

a man sitting in a chair

Psychology Professor Bobby Horton talks about the academic and personal growth they anticipate from students who attend Wabash.

a man standing at a podium

Associate Dean for Enrollment Chip Timmons '96 asks a question of the panel of Student Services staff.

a man in a suit and tie

Associate Dean of Students Marc Welch '99 talks with a prospective parent.

a group of men standing in a room

Members of the Career Services peer advisor staff and students who have utilized career services talked with parents about their experiences with internship opportunities and career advising.

a man in a suit pointing his finger

Josh Robinson '97, Pediatric Cardiologist, explained to parents how alumni support students and help them every step of the way through their career decision making.

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