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Everglades—Day Three

a couple of men carrying a log

Barton Bridge and Torm Hustvet went scavaging for firewood (after asking the ranger, of course) after a day of observing birds and studying Everglades habitats.

a group of men sitting around a fire

Max, Barton, and Torm relax by the fire. Earlier in the evening, the group took a look at the rings of Saturn through Professor Krohne's spotting scope—students studying the heavens and the earth!

a man sitting on a rock next to a bird

Phil Rushton takes notes on the behavior of a great blue heron at Anhinga Trail.

a bird in the grass

Two great blue herons at Anhinga.

a group of men cooking food outside

Professor of Biology, adventurer, and camp cook Dave Krohne cooks up brunch after a morning's observations near Long Pine Key camp.

a man drinking from a coconut

Soon after our arrival at Flamingo Campground on Florida Bay, Jeff Austen found, husked, and opened a hole in fresh coconut, offering all of us a drink of fresh coconut milk. More helpful than we first thought, as a water main break made the camp's water unfit to drink!

a tree with many branches

Roots of a red mangrove near Florida Bay. Krohne explained that the mangroves are essentially nutrient collectors, and those nutrients feed shrimp and fish. So though developers are tempted to remove mangroves, to do so threatens the fisheries and wildlife that thrives in the region.

a group of people looking at a fish

The class takes notes on the root structure of mangroves on Florida Bay.

a man holding a leaf

Max examines the leaf of a black mangrove, later testing it for saltiness. The mangroves are thrive in salt water, and the leaves exudes a salty "sweat."

a close up of a rock

Heron tracks at Echo Pond near Flamingo Camp.

a man with long hair and a white hat

While walking to the camp store Monday twilight, Phil and Barton noticed a field suddenly blooming in white. They collected one moonflower, a night blooming plant, which Phil dissects here while Professor Krohne by lamplight.

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