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Alumni Cross Country Meet

a group of men standing together

Alum set uo

Wabash alumni returning for the alumni run pose with Wabash's Cross Country and Track Coach, Rob Johnson H'77.

a group of people running on a field

They are off 1

The entire group, alumni and the current cross country team, does a "shotgun" start to the 4 mile run around campus!

a group of people running on a field

Early in the race

This picture was taken as th group was approaching the 50 yard line on the football field.  The pace looks to be world class. (It was hot and humid!)

a man standing on a track


Coach Rob Johnson H'77 getting ready to brief the runners on the route.  Rob certainly has his game face on!

a man drinking from a bottle

Sizing them up

Ever the competitor, Roger Busch '96, a member of the Wabash Athletics Hall of Fame, sizes up the current crosss coutry team right before the start of the run.

a couple of men running on grass


The run through the arboretum was always.

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