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Midnight Munch

a tray of bacon on a counter

"Bacon, bacon, bacon!!!"

a man in a kitchen preparing food

Kyle Dunaway, assistant swim coach and Internship coordinator in the Schroeder Career Center, and got there early and began making pancakes.

a group of people sitting around a table

The calm before the storm as we were all given our assignments for the evening.

a group of people cooking in a kitchen

That's President Pat White, the creator of the Presidential Pancake! Archivist Beth swift enjoying the moment.

a group of people in a kitchen

Scott Crawford and Betsy Knott from Career Services were on hand to keep the line moving,

a group of people in a cafeteria

That's Sports Information Director Brent Harris, and professors Melissa Butler, Maureen McColgin, and Lon Porter.

a group of people in aprons serving food

Dean of the College Gary Phillips serves up the hash browns

a group of people sitting at tables in a room

It didn't take long for the Great Hall to be full. There were students in Fobes Lounge and the PDR as well.

a man and woman in a kitchen

CFO Larry Griffith and Archivist Beth Swift handled the dish washing machine.

a group of people in a kitchen

The food line even featured "The Wave".

a group of people standing around a table

That smile is what it's all about!

a man in a kitchen making pancakes

The secret to the perfectly round presidential pancakes!

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